@everywherexyouxgo asked:
ninth: >casual glare at oak< .. okaY- this looks fu n :3 what are all of your favorite colors? Skai: .-. Um- favorite ability someone can have..? Oak: =v=; What-?
lil: wha- ninth? uh blue um...to fly
ester:...stuff to do...with water and blue
hiku: Hello o-oak! a-and red ^^ and flying
chara: blood red and hello again ninth -_- decay
grillby grey! fire!
Ask or dare lil and the crew!
UmorismoAsk any and all questions you want for lil and his crew ^^ no 18+ please ^^' i warn might have gore, mentions of death. incurbale disease. cursing. mention suicide and or selfharm. and many other controversal topics. please do not read if sensitive...