Growing Up

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Wow...Mr. Spain lives in a big house! And he has a huge garden! I wonder what plants he grows? 

Hey, what are these round, red things? Maybe I should ask him.


(3rd Person P.O.V)

"Alright, Hermanita (little sister), this is my house! Now, before we head inside we need to go over a few rules, okay?" Spain stood outside his door placing down Lissia on the doorstep.

"What are rules?" She asked kicking her feet back and forth.

"Hmm, well, rules are certain statements you have to follow in order to stay at the place you're at," Spain tried his best to explain although you could tell he was trying to speed things along before a certain someone comes out to interrupt, "First, this is one of the most important rules to follow, so listen carefully,"

"Okay!" She nodded trying her best serious face.

Having to cough down a squeal Spain shook his head to keep focused, "Alright, you cannot under any circumstance tell anyone you're a country. Now, I know you don't fully understand what a country is, but no matter what you never bring it up. Also, secondly, you cannot refer to me as Spain in front of anyone, same goes for Portugal unless you know we're alone,"

"So, I just call you Antonio?" She tries her best saying his name, smiling as she gets it right.

"Or, you know, you can call me you're hermano (brother) or you're hermano mayor (big brother). But anyways, the third rule! When I have friends over I'd like it if you'd stay in your room. Not for any reason in particular! Not like we're having meetings or anything you need to worry your little head about!" He nervously laughed that last part off, confusing the girl in front of him.

"Okay..." She hesitantly replied, "Any more rules?"

"Ah, just one more," Spain waves off, "You can't leave the house until you inform me of where you'd like to go. I don't want you to get lost especially since you've just arrived in Spain and don't know much about where you are. You understand?"

"Sí!" She jumped up from her sitting position.

"Aw, you're just too cute!" Spain melted picking her up into a bear hug, "I can't wait to teach you Spanish, and pick tomatoes, and make churros, and--"

"SPAIN! YOU IDIOTA TOMATO BASTARDO!" A mass of dark brunette hair flew by hitting Spain straight in the back, "How dare you leave me by myself all day! I'm just a kid, you didn't even leave me tomatoes! I had to go out all by myself and pick them myself! Where were you anyway! Hey, are you even listening to me! You jerky Bastardo!"

"Ah! Romano! Why don't you wait inside and I'll be right there! I have to, uh, freshen up!" Spain faced away from him trying his best to hide Lissia from Romano's sight.

"Not until you tell me where you've been you, tomato Bastardo! And Hey, why aren't you facing me!" Romano tried walking in front of Spain only for the said male to turn the opposite direction, "Hey! Face me like a man, idiota!"

"I said not now Romano," Spain attempted to act serious, however, it wasn't very effective when you have kid half your size chasing you around in a circle, "Come on Romano, I'm getting dizzy!"

"Then why don't you let me see what you have?" Romano began hitting him in the back with his fists.

"A-Antonio, I d-don't feel good," Lissia whispered to Spain obviously uncomfortable from spinning around.

"Alright Romano, alright, I'll show you! But you have to wait until we get inside. Now go wait on the couch, I'll be right there I promise!" Spain sighed as the furious pounding stopped on his back.

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