Grown Up

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I wonder what else is out there. There's a whole world just waiting filled with different countries to meet and explore. But, I can't because Spain and Portugal told me not to...Maybe another day.


(3rd Person P.O.V)

"Ms. Lissia! Where are you going?!" Maria panicked as she entered Lissia's room. Maria was Lissia's Boss, aka, the only person in her country that knew she was the personification of it.

"I was just going to visit Spain for the weekend. It's been about a month since I saw him last, besides he's my hermano I have to check on him," Lissia walked with a perfect posture to her grabbing Maria's hands gently, "I'll be alright, Maria. Nothing can go wrong, you know how protective Spain is. And hey where's your flower crown? Do you need a new one? I can--"

"N-No you're too sweet Ms. Lissia. Mine's back at my desk--B-But anyways, there's a lot of paperwork that needs to be--"

"Done," Lissia replies returning back over to her suitcase that laid open on her made bed.

Maria still stood in the doorframe of the room, "O-Okay, then what about the--"

"Already signed," Lissia replied yet again while closing her suitcase and placing it next to her figure, "I made sure every duty I needed to do was finished, so why don't you take the weekend off. You know I don't like you working on weekends where you have to worry about me."

"O-of course I do, Ms. Lissia, b-but I'm not worried for you. I-I just made a promise to both your brothers that I'd watch over y-you--!"

"Maria," Lissia stood in front of her now placing a new pink flower crown that matched her complexion on her head, "Don't you trust me? You're one of my closest friends too, so stop calling me Ms. Lissia. If it's more comfortable for you, call me Lena. I'll be back on Monday, take care, Maria!" With that, she walked past her and into the foyer of the rather small house Lissia happened to live in. Compared to the other homes in her country, she always preferred a smaller one. Anyways, getting back on track, Lissia walked out of her house greeting the neighbors and other townsfolk on the way to the airport that laid not too far from her home.

I can't wait to see Spain again! it's not like anything can go wrong with this visit, right?


After Arriving in Spain, Lissia made her way through the crowded airport to a small section where benches were scattered around. 

"I could've sworn it would have been at least a little less crowded," She sighed clutching onto her pale pink suitcase as if it would disappear in an instant, "Maybe I should have told Spain I was coming," Worriedly she glanced at the people around her, never really being the greatest in crowds or the public spotlight, but nevertheless she put on her best-determined face and steadily made her way towards the exit of the airport. 

Once she made it out of the over-populated building and outside, she couldn't help but take in a fresh breath of air. With a soft smile adorning her face she suddenly regained the cheerfulness from before she left her country. Now with a skip in her step, she gazed at the scenery surrounding her always remembering the various bright flowers and the warm, smiling sun beating down on her slightly tanned skin. As much as she loved her own country, Spain was always like a second home to her. 

Anyways, on the way towards Spain's house, Lissia took a detour seeing no rush in getting there. She wouldn't miss the chance of wandering around without an overprotective or worried companion standing directly over her shoulder. 

In an Area not so Far Away~

"No way, dude! I can't believe we actually went to Spain!" A loud voice rang through the crowd of tourists.

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