Tell it: Reasons i Stayed // no job no money

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Reason I stayed

No job, no money.

When the world revolves around money, having none makes life much tougher. When your love doesn’t give you a single penny, life is nothing but struggle. Mine didn’t give me money unless it was to buy baby things and he always wanted the change, down to the past penny. The first time I spent his change I regretted it.

He didn’t hit me, or slap me around or make me bleed.

He made me cry, which was to me, so much worse.

When someone you love makes me cry because you spent his 5 dollars when he told you not too it makes you feel like you’re incapable to do anything. By then I felt like maybe I wasn’t capable to breathe one my own, if I couldn’t bring back his change after buying a box of diapers what could I be trusted to do.

I stopped bothering to try and find a job when all I was ever told was “well give you a call.” When you show up to an interview looking like a homeless women, they tend to go with someone else.

No job, no money no escape.

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