16. Venicov's Arrival 2/2

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Sick Shot's gaze slid up the black plants and shirt and onto the green face of the menacing villain. His yellow eyes glared straight at Lord Crip, a burning fire within them. He resembled Lord Crip in many ways, such as his sharp facial features, and hair, though his was dark brown. But what truly set him apart was his air of evil and anarchy.

"Brother," the man said to Lord Crip, his crumpled brow distorting the red diamond that was painted on his forehead. "How precious of you to greet me like this," he sneered.

"Do not mock me, Venicov," Lord Crip forbade him.

"Oh? And I assume you believe that you have some sort of authority over me and have the right to demand what I do and what I do not?" Venicov scoffed.

"You're on my grounds now."

"And yet you are still utterly vulnerable," Venicov sneered. "It must hurt you."

"Not as much as your defeat will to you."

Venicov's gaze ventured to Shahamallama and then to Sick Shot. He looked surprised at the sight of him, but not the slightest bit phased by fear. "And what do we have here?"

Tyler's stomach turned as the attention weighed down on him. "S-Sick Shot," he said, trying to sound as courageous as he could.

"Sick Shot?" Venicov laughed. "You're pronouncing it all wrong, imbecile," he mocked.

"I'm pronouncing it exactly how I'm supposed to. It's Sick Shot."

Venicov smirked. "And did you come up with that yourself?"

​ "Take your army and leave!" Lord Crip commanded him.

Venicov made no move to obey his brother. However, after a moment, he stepped off of the spacecraft's ramp, which surprised the three watching him. However, to their terror, he did not fall. He was floating in the middle of the air, nothing holding him.

"What have you done?" Lord Crip said in disbelief.

"I," Venicov said proudly, "made myself more powerful than you could have ever imagined."

"Yes, and you aided in killing a galaxy in the process!" Lord Crip shouted. "You have no right to posses those powers! Those powers belong in the orbs on Susennippah... But you robbed it! And, in doing so, you caused the beginning of a horrible famine in the galaxy," he accused.

Venicov glanced behind him at the city. "Yes, it seems so," he agreed. "No matter, though," he said, turning back to them.  "I shall rebuild it into what it once was. And not ruin it as you have done."

​ Venicov grinned maliciously at his challenger. Then, like a bullet, Venicov sped through the air like a flash, slamming into Sick Shot. For a moment, he was unsure of what was happening. He could feel an amazing amount of pressure on his abdomen, and it felt as if he was free falling at an incredible speed. Suddenly, he came to an abrupt and painful stop on a hard material. He could feel it crack under his weight.

Sick Shot cried out in pain as the pressure on his stomach was relieved and he again felt as if he were falling, but this time spinning head over heels on his way down. When he opened his eyes, he could see ground, then sky, then ground, then sky, until— WHAM! He hit yet another hard surface, this time on his belly.

"Agh!" he whimpered. As he lifted himself onto his hands and knees, he peered up at where it seemed he had fallen from, which was a tower that now displayed a crater in its wall. "Crap..."

Venicov sped downward towards Sick Shot, zooming quickly through the air, arms outstretched in preparation to snatch him up. "Fool!" he bellowed. "Now you will suffer my wrath!"

That was a little dramatic, Sick Shot thought to himself as he jumped to his feet. As Venicov neared him, he braced himself for his enemy's impact.

Venicov roared as he plowed into Sick Shot.

He blocked Venicov's hands with his own, and pressed against him as he was forced backward with great force. As the hero did his best to resist his sheer strength, his ankles dug into the cobblestone blocks beneath him, causing rubble to pile up behind him.

As it grew larger, it gave Sick Shot more leverage, and he pushed Venicov backward, causing him to tumble onto the ground, rolling over and over. He came to a stop on his back and quickly rose off the ground and glared at Sick Shot, before speeding towards him as he had done previously.

However, Sick Shot's reflexes kicked in and he rolled out of Venicov's path, causing the villain to slam through the wall of a palace building. Sick Shot stared into the gaping hole in the wall, waiting for his enemy's return. As the dust settled, out came Venicov, speeding toward him once again.

Although he tried, he was not able to dodge this attack, and his opponent smashed into him, carrying him quickly into the air. Sick Shot struggled to free himself from Venicov's grasp as the ground grew farther and farther away. As they rose past the roof of the tallest tower, Sick Shot wrenched Venicov's arms off of him.

Feet-first, he plummeted toward the ground, nearly regretting his decision. He had forgotten how terrifying such an experience really was. His heart flew into his throat and his intestines curled and bubbled. He thought quickly and was able to take his grapple gun from its holster, and fire it at the nearest tower— he missed. As he grew closer and closer to the ground, he began to panic.

The grapple line zipped back into the gun and he fired another shot at the same tower. Fortunately, it was able to cut into the side of the tower and clasp onto it. The line lost its slack and Sick Shot broke his fall with a shocking jolt.

The sudden stop caused him to swing upward into the air, higher than he would have expected. As he swung back down, he saw all the things speeding past him, the wind blowing through his hair. He then noticed that if he didn't quickly change the path of his swing, he would crash into the side of a large tower. Having hardly any time to devise a plan, he unlatched the grapple and tried to aim for a window. He accomplished his goal and crashed through the glass, tumbling into an empty hallway. He came to a stop when he slammed against the wall opposite the window, accompanied by the millions of shards.

"This sucks..." Sick Shot moaned. He climbed to his feet, his body aching, and peered out of the shattered window to search for his enemy.

Venicov sped into the tower, Sick Shot somersaulting out of his path. He placed his grapple gun back in its holster and began firing bullets at Venicov, but he was too quick. He raised a glowing yellow force-field shield from nothing and deflected every one of his bullets. With one hand, Venicov kept the force-field up in front of him and with his other hand, he stretched his arm out towards the end of the hall. His fingers tightened and twitched as the building began to crumble apart from the end of the hallway.

The whole affected area was surrounded with a yellow light, and the destruction rapidly approached the two of them. Sick Shot decided that it was time for him to get out of the building and ran toward the end of the hall that was still intact, Venicov flying after him, his shield now dissipated.

Sick Shot hurled himself into the window and crashed through it, Venicov coming out behind him. The building fell into nothing but rubble, flooding one of the many courtyards with plumes of dust.

He landed on the roof of the glass tower and rolled down it toward the edge. He was able to prevent another fall by clutching the edge of the tower, his legs dangling in the air. Fearfully, he gazed down at the ground, the stark hill hundreds of feet beneath him.

When he tried to pull himself back onto the roof, Venicov's spacecraft fired at him. A hot and powerful blast exploded in front of Sick Shot, causing much of the roof to cave in. He fell backwards off of the building and toward the rocky hill.

Once again, he thought quickly, his reflexes aiding him, and made good use of his grapple guns. He jerked one out from its holster and fired it at the glass tower. To his relief, it caught the shaft of it and pulled him up.

Before reaching the tower, he released the line and tumbled onto the wall where Lord Crip and Shahamallama had been earlier. However, they were not there now, and Sick Shot had no knowledge of their whereabouts.

"Alright," Sick Shot grumbled, rising to his feet. "Now I'm peeved..." He scanned the skies for Venicov, which distracted him from the spacecraft positioning itself for attack.

The ship fired, but Sick Shot was quick enough to dodge the shot, regardless of how unprepared he was. The craft continued to open fire at him, and he proceeded to dodge all the shots.

Then, to his relief, one of Egnarts' ships sped out of the clouds and shot a powerful blast into the enemy ship. It began to spin out of control and whirl towards the wall, when Venicov attacked Sick Shot again.

Everything happened so quickly that Sick Shot could hardly comprehend what was happening. In panic, he activated the teleportation device strapped to his belt and teleported to Earth, bringing Venicov with him.

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