18. Who Are You? 2/2

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For a moment, Sick Shot stood speechless, but then he spoke, asking: "Who are you?"

"Yeah, that doesn't really matter right now," the woman replied, peering up at the battle in the sky. "For now, just call me Moon Ray. That's what some call me," she said.

"Moon Ray? What are you, a super hero?"

Moon Ray shrugged. "Something like that," she admitted. "What exactly is going on?"

"I, uhh... Can't really say," he answered.

"Look, I'm here to help," she sighed. "How do we stop all this?"

"I don't know," he confessed. "But that guy you just socked-to-gawea... Well, he's the big enemy. These attacking ships are his. We need to take him out."

"Do you have a plan?"

Sick Shot looked at her. "Yeah... Take him out."

"Great," Moon Ray said sarcastically. "He seems pretty powerful."

"That's an understatement."

"What even is he?" she asked, "an alien?"

Sick Shot nodded. "Maybe."

"Well... Let's take E.T. home," she suggested.

"You don't seem very surprised..."

"Well, I've seen a lot of weird stuff in my lifetime."

"Are you an alien?" he wondered.

"I don't think so, but I really have no idea what I am, to be honest," she said absentmindedly as she watched the war in the sky. "Any idea how to close the portal thing?"

"Well, he created it, so if we take him out, maybe it'll close?"

"It's worth a shot. Let's go." She sprinted after Venicov and was gone in the blink of an eye, a streak of bright blue light trailing behind her.

Sick Shot followed after, but, of course, at a much slower pace than she. He hurdled over piles of debris and jumped over crowds of panic-stricken people, dashing through the holes that Venicov had made and soon found Moon Ray and Venicov battling it out in the tennis courts.

Venicov hovered in the air above the court, blasting all sorts of energy beams at Moon Ray. She dashed all around the court to avoid his attacks, and succeeded. However, one of Venicov's ships began firing at her from the sky, and, in dodging the bullets, was hit by one of Venicov's energy blasts.

"Agh!" she grunted as she tumbled backward and slammed into the chain link fence.

An explosion boomed in the sky above Sick Shot and he gazed up to see that the ship had been taken down by one of Egnarts' own. It was now whirling toward the court, right toward Venicov. Sick Shot bolted out of its path, Moon Ray speeding in front of him. To their surprise, they heard no impact of the ship, and they turned to see what had happened. The large ship was suspended in the air, yellow light and energy enveloping it. Venicov floated in front of it, arms outstretched.

"Crap..." Sick Shot mumbled.

Vencicov hurled the spacecraft at them and it soared through the air, ready to make impact right on the two of them.

"Hold on!" Moon Ray told him.
​Suddenly, Sick Shot was out of the way of the ship, his partner bracing his back and neck.

"Don't mention it," she said. "This guy is bad."

"Again, an understatement."

​ "I don't think there's negative word that wouldn't be an understatement."

​ "We've got to get him away from all these people," he said. "I don't want people hurt."

"Well, me neither. It wasn't really my goal to come and kill some people."

"Yeah, I know," he grumbled in annoyance.

"Downtown is right outside of this campus. There'll be hardly anyone out at this hour."

"How do we get him there?"

"Just go," she told him. "I'll get him there. Trust me."


"Go!" she demanded before racing off.

"Just go," he said in a mocking voice. "Fine, you deal with him," he grumbled.

Sick Shot began running as fast as he could to the outer wall of the campus. He leaped over the barrier, tumbling down the newly-mowed hill that led to the thick woods. He completed his roll on his feet and continued his sprint, now through the woods.

After what seemed like an eternity of dodging trees in the dark, he burst out of the wood and into a dark street of downtown.

Emergency vehicles buzzed here and there, and it appeared that law enforcement, as well as military backup, were setting up a barricade around the entire area of the campus. He took cover in a dark alleyway to hide from the potential threats and impatiently waited for Venicov and Moon Ray to arrive.


​ Moon Ray sprinted back to the tennis courts, where she found Venicov fighting off Egnarts' ships, as well as newly-arrived attack helicopters. He stood firmly in one place, force field shield encasing him, as he fired at the surrounding aircrafts. Many of them received critical damage from his attacks and were forced to make emergency landings, which weren't exactly the smoothest.

"Okay..." Moon Ray mumbled, taking cover behind a heap of debris. "One... Two... Three!"

She sprinted out from behind the security of her shelter and raced at Venicov. He had hardly any time for an effective reaction before she attacked. She came to an abrupt halt, reared her arms back behind her, and then pushed them forward.

An overwhelmingly powerful force burst from her gauntlets, its path narrow and focused entirely on Venicov. He went helplessly flailing through the air, rivaling the speed of a bullet. His body smashed through the barrier wall of the premises and tore down all of the trees in its path.

"That worked..." Moon Ray said to herself as she climbed to her feet.

She dashed after him, following the clear path he had made. She sped down the wooded slope and found Venicov moaning to himself on his stomach, covering in broken branches and leaves.

"Preposterous," he mumbled to himself as he climbed painfully to his feet.

Suddenly, she appeared right behind him and stood with her arms crossed. "I don't know what you're saying, mister alien dude sir," she said with a smirk, "but I don't think I'd like it."

She threw back her arms and did the same as she did before, but the force was much less powerful, however, it still sent Venicov flailing out of sight through the woods.

"And, quite frankly... I'm really not in the mood to deal with you."

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