5 Years

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Yes, I know it's 12:21 A.M. but idgaf. Nagito's my best fluff boi and I love him and that's that.

Lmao, this has nothing to do with maids, it's just my artwork birthday present for him.

Category: Fluff goddammit

Summary: Big things come in small packages.

"Hajime~" A voice sang out a certain brunet's name.

Hajime stiffened, turning around slowly to face a girl with multicolored hair.

"What do you want, Ibuki?" He sighed, running a hand through his choppy brown locks.

"We need you to do a favor for us."

We? Whose we?

"What are you planning?" His eyes narrowed in suspicion.

"Have you forgotten what day it is?" Ibuki replied, tapping her chin. "How unlikely of you to do that, Hajime."

Hajime sighed.

"I swear, if it's one of those 'Hug from Twogami' days, I will-"

Ibuki interrupted him, placing an index finger at his lips.

"It's Nagito's birthday."

The hand placed in his hair stopped, and his heart stumbled.

It was April 28th, and he had forgotten about Nagito's birthday. There was nothing to give him. Hajime hadn't prepared anything, and it was so late in the day already-

"What's your favorite?" The brunet decided to ask through his hyperventilation.

"We need you to distract Nagito while we plan his surprise birthday party. And knowing that he's going to have the most self-deprecating thoughts on his birthday, you have to get him to stay away from us long enough so that we have enough time to properly prepare it." Ibuki clapped her hands gleefully.

"What's the plan for the party then?"

"Ibuki's not telling~" She stuck her tongue out at him.

"Why not? I'm part of this plan, right? So don't I deserve to know about it?" Hajime countered.

"Sonia fears that you might accidentally let the information slip and ruin the plan," Ibuki explained.

In a swift motion, the ultimate musician was shoving Hajime out the door despite his protesting.

"Hurry up and go!" She shouted.

"Why me, though?!" Hajime blubbered. "Why not TeruTeru or someone else?"

Ibuki's face fell into a frown.

"You're the closest one to him, so it's plainly obvious that you should be the diversion. He listens only to you after all."

The reserve course student opened his mouth to reply, but Ibuki simply waved him off.

"We all know that you like Nagito. It's not a secret anymore. You can't deny it, Hajime." The girl said in a teasing tone before shoving him into the hallway.

"Wait!" He started, but then closed his mouth. There was no way you could argue with Ibuki.

Mumbling incoherently to himself as he walked down the corridors of the main building, Hajime stared at the ground while he planned out what he was going to do to distract Nagito. Where was he anyway?

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