
8.9K 101 17

J.K Rolling owns the known Harry Potter character. The other characters including Evangeline as is the plot.

(This chapter has been revised, edited, and added to ever do slightly. Enjoy reading!)

I've always stood in my brother's shadow and that was fine with me. No one ever tried to kill me, my aunt and uncle liked me, grades were always good, and I'm the Slytherin Princess. My brother, his girlfriend, and Hermione are dead. My Aunt and Uncle are gone, and I'm dealing with it. Day by day. Today, I go back to school. I'm not sure if I am ready to go back or if I'm actually okay or not. Things will be different this year even if I wish them not to be. I honestly hope I can survive it.

I had to be at King's Cross in an hour, but knowing Draco he would apparate early to get out of the manor. After showing quickly and drying myself off with magic I grabbed the first thing I saw and through it on. It just happened to be black skinny jeans, and green velvet tank, and a black jacket. Waiting on Draco I went to the loo, when I came back lips crashed into mine before I was roughly pushed against the wall. The smell of expensive cologne burned my nose. My Draco was here. As his tongue slipped into my mouth he caressed my body. Don't judge, summer vacation was long but the war was longer and really effected us and our relationship. After what seemed hours, he pulled away. "Hello Darling, miss me?" He said while running his hands through my waist long red hair. "Of course I did Dra, but we've got to go." Leaving for the station was as normal as ever, maybe even to normal. Once I crossed the threshold onto Platform 9 3/4 my life was about to change forever... again.

Walking into the Great Hall always takes my breath away. The school had returned to its former beauty, we all smiled like good students, and we waited for the sorting. There were a large presence of Death Eaters in the hall. I guess this was going to be part of our new reality. There were less students this year because all muggle borns were barred from receiving a magical education. Snape rose to make his speech, "After last year's events the Ministry of Magic has invoked a new marriage law. Any male or female seventeen or older will be wed by the end of the year, and must produce a child in the first year of marriage. Purebloods may place bids on whomever they please, half-bloods may get special permission to place a bid. After a brief courtship of the bidders, the females pick their husband and you are wed. Student bids are due tonight at the Ministry no later that 11:45. Tomorrow at breakfast your bid letters will arrive." We made eye contact and a very small smirk brushed his ever scowling face. He continued, "Enjoy your dinner, and tomorrow life begins." Barely eating Draco kissed my cheek, "Ev, I'm bidding for you." I smiled and finally ate. Millie sat on the other side of me with Blaise and they talked about the new lack of Mudbloods. I've always hated the term. As I ate my eyes scanned the Gryffindor table to where Harry always sat there was a pain in my heart I couldn't explain but I knew it would never be better. The house table has numerous gaps and those looking sad. The war took many lives and it seemed Gryffindor was hit the hardest.

Draco and I being Head Boy and Head Girl had our own separate dorms, with a shared common room. In the middle of the night I felt someone slip into my bed. Rolling over slightly a platinum blonde was already asleep beside me. Snuggled in his arms I closed my eyes. His arms were my happy place. They warmth and comfort I seemed to yearn for played within his arms. Soon I would marry Draco Malfoy. I closed my eyes and fell asleep with a smile on my face.


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