Sex and Terror

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Potions went by quickly probably because of Millie and Blaise always bowing and proceeding to make our entire table laugh. Even Slughorn laughed at some of the jokes. The Gryffindors all looked just completely and totally annoyed. The only thing different was Draco. He sat as far away as he could from us. The few Hufflepuffs in the class sat with him offering words of comfort and condolences. I glanced that way a couple times but he never looked my way. All I could see was the tear quietly streaming down his face. He wasn't Draco the terrifying Death Eater anymore. He was just Draco. Broken Draco.

All my other classes were very uneventful. Lunch went by and Tom wasn't there so I sat with Millie, Blaise, Pansy, and Emma. No one spoke much while we ate until Blaise noticed Snape coming in late, "Aye Potter did you break his heart? He's been crying." I looked up and he wasn't eating. His face was tear stained. Beside him Lucius just glared in my direction. I looked away. Silently I was hoping somehow I could get out of Dark Arts this week.

Millie and I went into class and took our usual seats. The Ravenclaws filed in slowly. Draco didn't show. Lucius strode in and my heart fluttered. He didn't even glance my way. "Today class we shall be creating dark objects. In a sense we will curse an item and when someone takes the object it will curse them. The difficult thing is creating your own specific curse so it is unique to your own magical abilities and signature. On your tables are books you may find helpful." We all began and Lucius watched as he walked around the room. He answered Millie's questions but never spoke a word to me. After writing down my notes and starting a chart on what I want my curse to do someone tapped me on the shoulder. I looked up and saw Lucius. "Ms. Potter a word in the office please." I got up and followed him.

His face no longer marked annoyance could not longer mask the hurt in his eyes. "The Dark Lord called Severus and I to his office last night. He gave me condolences for the loss of my unborn grandchild and then smirked and told Severus he needed a batch of contraceptive potions brewed by this evening. He said he didn't want you falling pregnant until you were married or atleast chose. Did you.... did you give yourself to him?" He looked as though he was going to cry. I couldn't handle anymore crying men today. "Yes Lucius I did. We had been talking and kissing and then I asked him why he didn't kill me that night. He showed me the memory. I realized my parents never loved me. I wanted to feel something. So, we had sex." He stood there. "I didn't want to have sex with you, I wanted to make love to you." There was a burning in his eyes after he said that. My body tingled. He opened the office door "If your notes are complete we shall continue next lesson." Everyone left.

After barring anyone from entering the classroom he came back to the office and put up another barrier spell and a silencing charm. Crossing the room the fire burned in his eyes like molten grey pools. He grabbed me roughly. "I'm hurt Evangeline. And I want you to know how badly." I looked at him, "So show me." He shoved everything off the desk and push me on it. He tore off my uniform and his robes. Fabric went everywhere. He quickly undid my bra and attacked my breasts with his mouth. He sucked and bit and I laid there and moaned. He attacked them so viciously I wouldn't be suprised if they were bruised and bleeding. He yanked my underwear off with his teeth and let out a growl as his locked his mouth to me. He licked and sucked and I cried and moaned and threw my hands into his hair. That just made him crazier. He stuck his tongue into me pumping in and out as I cried and finished. He licked it off me. He grabbed me off the desk and pushed my upper body on it only. He stood beside me holding my hips and trusted into me. He was bigger than Tom and he went slow and hard at first. Then he went faster and faster until we were both screaming in pleasure. We finished together and stood there panting and covered in sweat. He kissed me gently before doing a refresh spell over the both of us and cleaning the office so it no longer smelled like sweat and sex. He fixed our robes and my uniform. He waved his wand and all the marks on my body vanished. "Take a contraceptive potion before you go to sleep or you might end up with a Malfoy heir inside of you," he purred. We stood there embraced for awhile. I knew I had missed Divination, I didn't care. "Next time I want to make love to you in a very special way." I smiled at his words. Walking out of the classroom we discussed my notes for the assignment. He kissed me farewell and I walked towards the library. I completed all my missed coursework for the 8 weeks I was missing. "Glitzy I need you." The elf popped up, "Yes mistress?" I handed her my work, "Could you put these in the teacher boxes outside their offices for me?" She beamed, "Of course mistress. And when Glitzy is finished may Glitzy help mistress get ready for dinner with The Dark Lord?" "Yes Glitzy I will be heading to his chambers after I pack my school things." With that Glitzy was gone with a pop. Packing up my school things I walked to Tom's chambers. The portrait swung open for me. When I entered Glitzy was back and running a bath for me. Tom was pacing in the bedroom. I walked in and he motioned me to come here. "I know what you did with Lucius Ms. Potter. Just know it will not be tolerated." With that he left. And I was scared.

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