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I started to panic when a blindfold covered my eyes and my world turned black. My breaths became shorter and faster and I started to feel dizzy by the pace of my breath and heartbeat.

"What the hell is wrong with him!" a voice screamed right next to me and the hold on my right arm loosened, I took it as a opportunity and quickly pulled the blindfold off my face. Even if I wasn't able to see much more than before I still felt much better when it was off. I focused on taking deep breaths as I were basically hanging from my left arm, since the guy that held it hadn't loosen his grip the slightest.

"My god Sam, let him down!" the second guy on my right exclaimed and I finally got released and fell down on the concrete. "Sam! We're just suposed to get him home, not make him pass out!" the guy sounded panicked but held his voice down. The guy on my left, Sam, bend down beside me and I flinched away as he trailed his eyes over my body.

"Sorry" he muttered and pulled me up from the ground again, this time whitout the blindfold and he dragged me to the black car they used to trap me in the ally and open the back door. He pushed me in before I had a chance to do something and closed and locked the door, he then got into the drivers seat and the other guy sat beside me in the back. I had nothing that stopped me from escaping, but why would I risk to be chased and captivated again by the Sam guy? Exactly.

The car started moving and tears of fear started burning behind my eyes, no one said anything until Sam stopped the car outside a big house out in nowhere.

"You take him in Luc" He said and stepped out from the car and walked in inside the house, the guy- Luc stretched out his hands towards me and I quickly flinched away from his open palm, convinced that he would hurt me. He got a confused look but just took my wrists in his hand and I pushed away the pain, he bound my wrist togheter with a ziplock-band and lead me out from the car and into the house. It didn't seem like a house someone would kidnapp someone to, it had fresh white walls, nice furniture and were obviously cleaned regulary, like a normal house. We stopped inside and a new guy walked around the corner. He had dark, brown hair styled in a quiff and dark green eyes. Even trough his jumper I can see his muscular body and how his muscles move when he walk. He stopped infront of us.

"I guess you already know why you are here" he says nonchalantly and I look up at him, I wished I was taller right now. In respons I just shook my head 'no' and his face turned to confusion.

"Your dad are a pain in the ass to us, and we will make sure he don't give us any more trouble anymore" He said and I sighed lightly.

"Then you need to get better info before you do something, you just get a gold stair for taking me from him" I spat out and though of how much my dad had fucked up my life and now someone kidnapps me for something he've done, he probaly owes them money.

"Why wouldn't he care for you?" Luc asked confused and earned a angry glare from the guy, who I guess is the boss.

I bit my lip and ignored te question. I just shook my head and let out a sight and looked down at te floor, feeling a alright pain from my tightly bound hands.

"Well, I'll take him from here" he says to Luc and takes my arm in a hard grip , I let out a cry in pain and he directly let go of me and took a step back. Without a word he instead walked behind me and pushed me before him and deeper inside the house.

We stops in front of a door and he quickly undid the ziplock-band from my wrists and I let out a sigh in relief when it stopped pressing together my wrists. He opened the door and made a gesture for me to walk in, and I do so and turned around a step from the door.

"Someone will take up dinner" is all he says and I just nodded before he closed and locked the door. I'm about to throw up just of the thought of food.




Hey guys! I'm so excited for someone to read my first boyxboy story! I have thought about this for a time now and finally started writing it. It'll have some boyxboy actions, I think.. But I will write before and after to the ones that don't want to read ;) If someone have any good ideas I want YOU to message them to me in the PM's! I'll write on a chapther every week, and post what I have wrote in the weekend, so I guess many chapthers will be kinda long and others very short! If it become too long in one chapter I guess I'll part it up and post part 2 of it during the week.

-Edited 23 Sep 2016

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