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Hello... I've seen a few comments on the last chapter where people wants me to update, and where some wants to know if I'm okay. Hello, I'm alive and I'm better than I was while I was writing this book, thank you (:

I read through a lot of really great and supporting comments on chapter 9, Thank you for writing all that to me!

And to talk about spelling and grammar, I think that most of you might have figured out that English isn't my first language, haha. I also wrote this book a while ago, and in my opinion I've gotten a LOT better at English.

I'm Swedish btw

And for chapter 9, where I talked alot about myself and my life, I've gotten a few answers for myself since then;

(you might want to read the A/N on that chapter if you're gonna read this, but it will pretty much explain itself as you read)

1. I told the guy that I didn't like him in that way, and he got a bit angry but he's honestly a good guy and he was able to handle it and we're still friends. Sometimes he mentions it and such, but he's trying his best after I told him it made me uncomfortable, and he's a great friend.

2/7. While I wrote this I was in 7:th grade (Swedish school system) and by this time I'm going to start 9:th grade after summer. 7:th grade was the lowest point of my life this far, that's a fact. My grades dropped and my mental health got worse and I didn't eat properly and such. But, the school-situation is a lot better now and now I enjoy the majority of school. I've realized that I had a problem, and it's not completely solved but I've got 2 very good and close friends by my side. First, Vik, which I love with my whole heart and we've both been discussing everything and I couldn't ask for a better friend. Then, there's a friend from my school.

Back in 7:th grade, there was me and 2 other friends in our "circle". Let's call them A and B, since I can't give out their names. But, we were really close to each other through the whole 7:th grade and the beginning of 8:th grade. From there, B began to slip away from us and with a few underlying problems we're barely friends with them now. However, me and A have been growing closer and now they know about my struggles and such, which is really good.

They've been able to help me a lot, and just small things like telling me to eat in school sometimes and such things. However I still have a problem with food, thats one thing that haven't gone away. I wouldn't say I'm getting better, but I'm not getting worse. For me right now, that's enough. I'm aware of that I need to get help if it continues, but for now this is it and I'm not ready for any sort of professional help.

3. I've gotten to walk a few steps back sometimes, but I am truly better now. I've been clean for a very long time, and I've stopped with self-harm completely. Sometimes I get urges, but I can usually hold back by myself or talk to Vik or friend A. I've taken a few steps back, but I'm so many more steps ahead now.

4. Your comments have been absolutely awesome, and to see people caring for how I am and genuinely trying to help me have been amazing. I cannot even imagine where I would be without people on the internet who've been helping me.

Thank you.

5/6. I've come to terms with myself and I've got a lot of time to think. Nothing is set in stone, but at this point in my life I've realized that I am genderfluid, pansexual and polyamorous. Vik and friend A knows this, friend B knows I'm pansexual but no-one else knows and I don't feel the need to really come out. I'll find a partner, introduce them to my parents and such and I won't make a deal out of it if they're not the opposite gender or whatever my family thinks I'm attracted to.

I'll just roll with it I guess.

To put it all together for a summary, I'm in a much better place today than I was back then, and Thank You everyone who've been here for me.

I do plan on correcting grammar and spelling in this book sometime, I just don't really have a plan for when to do so.

Everyone who've commented, Thank you.

(zeze67 GeekyWolf101 Blackqueer Kasiako_Nightrose CeeMorgan kayla_bugg1 Tearstar 123ella123 Mickeybarnesgirl sadoko Angel_Chi FireMage kitsune_Nura crimsonblood3 a-smol-prince jfender TakeMeHome2901 moonbacks )

Everyone who've been messaging me private:

(What1ya2lookin3at maskyxtouka crimrose vg24684 CeeMorgan Jun_desu FireMage )

PrincessReni and bubblebabyboy for all the spelling/grammar comments

SaviorIsTheOne for being the first to think that english isn't my first language haha

emishere493 for all your fantastic comments on chapter 9, Thank you again.

Every single comments warmed my heart, Thank you.

And, finally.

Thank you Unicornvik, for being my friend and for being you.

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