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After a short and silence bit downstairs, I just stood and stared at Liam. Confusions written all over my face and his face showing, I don't really know what emotion that was. Maybe saddnes?

"What do you mean?" I asked, tilting me head to the right and stepping away from between Liam and the wall.

"Of course someone care" I shook my head "Someone must care, I care"

Wdening my eyes in suprise, I shook my head.

"No you don't, I mean you don't even know my name. You know pretty much nothing about me exept my age, and that I like animals." I argumented, he couldn't care. He was lying.

"Well that's because we've only known each other for some days, why can't you tell me your name?" He took a step towards me again and it took al my strengh not to walk away from him right then.

"My name is really a joke Liam, really" I said, and he raised his eyebrows.

"It's Shaka, it means joke in Albanish" I said, looking down at my shoes and waiting for whatever reaction I'll get. %

"I don't know a soul that talk Albanish, okay. It's a cool name you know, Shaka" He tried to say my name, and maybe a small smile bended my lips.

No one had ever even got to know it before, but what had I to lose now anyway?


What did you think? I don't know that about his name tbh, I just came up with Shaka from nowhere when I first started the story, and I decided now to see if it meaned something. I didn't thought it would bean joke tbh.

But anyway, I just figured out you can see where the people who read your story live, like in wich country not your adress.

And I saw a total of 3% thats from Sweden!

Hej på er!

Anyway, this is so so short but I for some reason just wanted to say some things and I felt I couldn't really just publish a part with just a A/N. My mind isn't that intresting.

So after this line, it's simply just random things about myself(my life right now) that probaly no one will understand so you can just skip that if you want.

-----------------------------------(It's the line)

1. I know this guy that says he likes me, but I don't like him and I think he's angry becuse aparently I had showed some sign or something that I liked him. But the thing is that I didn't have that knowledge about what things that show romantic and friendly. There's much I can't tell apart, for exepel reality, books, fantasy. Stuff like that. And now I'm feeling so bad becuse what if he really liked me? But at the same time he didn't know me at all. But I'm really really scared that I will like see him somewhere and he'll talk to me. I maybe just is overthinking this right now.

2. My grades are becoming so bad, and I hate school. Tbh I don't want a future, but as to say I will try at least. I mean something can I do that won't makes my parents think they're bad parents? They're the best btw. It's just me thats fucked-up.

3. I'm clean 3 weeks!

4. Your comments are one of the reasons I haven't done it and now are 3 weeks clean, you all really helped me in yesturdays break-down.

5. I don't know if I'm doing the right thing that's telling you all this now, but I'm trangender(secretly) and sometimes just want to be unisexual.

6. I'm really confused becuse sometimes I like the same gender, sometimes I don't care about the body and sometimes I like the opposite gender and ughh! I sometimes feel gay, sometimes straight and sometimes asexual. But most of the time I'm just scared of love.

6. I think I will start a small collection of poems or quotes, just some small if I find someone somewhere. I have always gotten so exited when I found a really beautiful poem, and then just become sad again when I can't share it with someone becuse no one know- knew about my thoughts and stuff. It won't slow down my other stories, it's just like song lyrics, quotes and poems and short stories and stuff. (and maybe pics)

7. I have another acc where I also work on stories. It's becuse my friends that also have wattpad found out that I had it, so in panic I created another accunt just so they wouldn't know I'm anorexic, depression, suicial and like, see illusions( other call them illusons but I swear them all are real). And it feels really good to ba able to just slip in a mask of happiness and no one know anything about me, and these times I need to I go on this acc and are my self. I've always hated acting but to be honest I'm pretty good at it.

I don't know where all this feelings come from, I use to be so empty, but to be honest it was really nice to just write it out and know that someone will read it and don't judge me.

And you don't really know me outside the computer(sadly) so you can't really judge me, but at the same time if someone would write somwthing mean, it wouldn't be theirs voice who said it to me, it would be my own.

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