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I looked around the room, a normal bed standing at the wall and a desk with a chair at the end. A door with the words WC were on my left and a small window above the bed. I walked over to the bed and laid down, what kind of affairs did my dad have with these guys? And what could I say to be able to skip meals? It was ridiculous, that my first concern were if I would have to eat or not. I mean, my body didn't need anymore than water. It was so easy when I was home, no one cared home, in school or generally gave a shit about me. I was lost in my thoughts when a light tap on my shoulder made my jump up and quickly flinch away from person next to the bed. I looked up at Luke, who sighed.

 "You know, we're not gonna hurt you. We just hold you here to scare your dad. And with your reflexes when someone touches you I think we maybe helped you a bit, who are you afraid of? Bullies?" He said as he went over and collected a tray of food from the desk.

"Yeah, bullies" I said and kept my gaze on my fingers.

"What's your name kiddo" He asked and put the tray next to me.

"Does it matter?" I asked, but I was scared and if I started to talk I'd just keep going and I didn't want to say something I would regret. That's how the bullies had the most advantage over me, they scared me to my breaking point and then pressed me until I just start talk.

"But tell me something about yourself, if you're gonna stay here it's better if we get to know each other" he said and I swallowed, still scared that he would do like the bullies.

"I'm 17 an-" I get cut of.

"What! You look like you're 14 or something, you are so small..." he says and I blush.

"Ehrm, yeah. I lived with my mom and dad," I say, but stop myself. I didn't know this guy, why would I talk to him about myself?

"What about friends?" He asked.

"Nothing to say about anyone" I said, and took a sip from the glass of water.

"I don't think you're very hungry, but you can eat dinner with us. But we have this dog, he protect us and all that but he have slightly... irritation prolems. Not even Liam can controll him." He says and I look confused on him.

"Liam is the one that took you up here, he's kinda the boss" he say and I nodded. I often got well along with animals and a only few many of them hate me but his description made me slightly anxious. Luke sighed and got up from the bed and left the room, I put the trail on the desk and laid down on the bed, guessing I would go down and say hi to the dog. The door was locked, and I didn't want to meet anyone, I just wanted to take a nap and rest. I closed my eyes and soon drifted to a restless sleep.

I open my eyes and stand up, I try to just lay back down and keep still but my body won't listen to me. I walk to the small bathroom and searched for something sharp, finally I found a first aid kit and took out the small scissor. I opened it as much it could and moved my sleeve. I desperatly tried to controll my body, but it's like I'm in someone else body and could only watch what happened. I pushed the sharp side over my arm 10 times and stopped try to controll myself, I just drowned in the pain I so well know I deserved. I bandaged up my arm and pulled down my sleeve agian, put everything back and lay down in the bed.

I woke up and tried to breath, finally calming down and sat up. It happened every night, but I see it like a dream. I couldn't do anything to stop it but I liked it, it didn't give me the chance to think before I give myself the well-deserved pain. I didn't dare to try to sleep again, the food is since long cold and my wrist-clock show 17:54. Just 10 minutes later a knock on the door sounded and the person outside unlocked it and step in, Luke sent a quick look at the untouched food and then at me, I looked away from his gaze and stood up. Before I can take the tray he grabs my wrist and I must clamp down on my tounge hard when a scar started to bleed. He took the rope from his pocket but when he looked down again he saw something, I carefully opened my right eye and looked down at my palm. From the sleeve there are a dried trail of blood, I have no idea if it's from the ropes or from my 'sleep'. Before he can pull up my sleeve and look I snatched my wrist against my chest and looked up to meet his eyes, seeing a small hint of worry before he put the rope back again and take the trail and mention for me to follow him.

. edited 25 April 2017

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