The Mission

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"The president, gave me this letter of order, states that terrorist groups are destroying cities in one blow using an advanced technology nuke, we must stop them before the national security  is compromised..." she said.

"Wait? Nuke?!" Mana exclaimed.

"Yeah, we disarmed 5 in the past..." Naruto explained.

"With yugi?!" She added.

"Apparently, he's the one who strategized  the plan for us to safely disarm the nuke..." Miss Grageda explained further.

Mana looked at Yugi with disbelief and Yugi is sweating as he awkwardly smiles at her.

"Dark magician girl, don't  worry, your hasbando is gonna be fine, he's a member here for 7 years, thanks to his mother and older brother..." Miss Grageda explained calmly and proceeded.

"We need to see reports and results of those who encountered them for us to plan and formulate a strategy, in this case, all of us must strategize so that we can find different ways and plans if ever the first plan is not gonna work out." She ended.

Miss Grageda gave them the reports and experiences of soldiers that survived from the attack of the terrorist, what's scary is that, they attack silently, that no one outside the city knew that the city is already obliterated. It took days before the news can broadcast the whole catastrophe.

Miss Grageda ended the meeting with her members wondering what can they contribute with the plan...

They all left the conference room with only her inside, turns out the conference room turned into her very own office.

As the two drove home Mana remained silent until the reached the condo. As both entered the room Yugi profusely apologizes to her, kneeling to his knee begging her for not leaving him.

Mana just looked at him surprised, she does not even seem to look mad or irritated of that she encountered.

"Yugi... I'm not mad.." she seats on the floor.

"I'm just amazed how cool you are...
You're so awesome! I can't  believe your team can disarm a nuke, NOT JUST ONE, BUT FIVE!" She squeals.

"SHUSH! No one has to know that, this is very very confidential!" Yugi told her worriedly.

"But wait, You never told me your mom is a Agent and You have a older brother..." she added.

"My mom is an agent, and she encourage me to join and I love being in this team, I can't  believe I have such skill on strategies..." he explained.

"And about my brother...." he added..

"If you're  not comfy of talking about him on whatever reason, its ok, I understand, I won't force you... I respect you for the fact that you won't  tell it to me in the first place..." Mana said with a smile.

"Since monday is a non working holiday, we can think of a strategy that could finish it all off and e-mail  it to Miss Grageda." Yugi added.

"Yep, thats true, besides, today is gotta be a long day since we have nothing  to do." She said.


"How's the Pharaoh?" Miss Grageda ask on her phone.

"It's been three years, he's not improving..." a lady voice in the other end answers.

"I see..." she replied and hang up.

"He's our only hope in this mission, but it feels like were going to have a gamble..." Naruto said as he exhales the smoke from the vape.

"We're running out of time..." she whispered.

"We sure are running out of time..." he added.

Morning has arrived and Yugi woke up on his couch, seems like he slept in the living room, his laptop is neatly arranged in the table with a bunch of folders in the edge and he is covered with blanket, he looked beside him and saw Mana sleeping using his leg as a pillow and his leg is already numb of what she did. He carefully removed his leg and replace it with a pillow and he stood, but ended up collapsing  and accidentally grabbed on the folders in the table.

All the files and papers from the table is scattered all over, he stood up unhappy that early in the morning he made a mess, he started to pick each one until he stumbled on a small piece of paper laying by its front, he took a small peek and seen... Its a picturne of him and his older brother on his graduation. He took a moment to look at the picture before hiding it, without noticing Mana is bihind him looking at the picture too.

"Is that your older brother?" She asked.

"You're  awake?! I mean, did I woke you up?" Yugi exclaimed  with a shock.

"Well, I just woke up with a thud, and when I woke up, I saw you picking up papers in the floor..." she replied.

"Well, you're right... he's my older brother..." Yugi whispered.

"Uhm..." Mana hesitantly steps further.

"We need him...." Yugi suddenly said with a straight face.

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