Chapter 2 - Who Am I?

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Thanks everyone for keeping up with the story so far! It really does mean a lot ^_^ Let's see what injuries Bruce has, hey? Anyway's, I'll stop distracting you and let you get to reading!


I'm not sure how much time has passed, but by the time I wake up the dust has settled and I've developed a headache that could rival a heavy night out drinking - the effects of which I would not recommend to anyone. Opening my eyes blearily I'm struck by the heat in the mineshaft, the source of which seems to be somewhere behind my head. I try to turn my head and locate the source of the light, immediately collapsing back onto the floor of the shaft as my vision fading and my stomach churns. Touching my right hand to my forehead, I pull it back to see my fingers and half of my palm covered in a dark, sticky substance - blood.


Taking a deep breath I attempt to push myself into a sitting position against the wall, buckling and screaming in pain I put pressure on my left arm.

'Double shit.'

Going back to my original position on the floor, I take note of my injuries - a gash to my head and a broken arm.

"That's not so bad," I mutter, my words a soft whisper in the quiet shaft. "Now, to figure out how I got here and how I got these injuries".

Surveying my surroundings, I can see that I'm on the floor of what looks to be an abandoned mineshaft. Gritting my teeth and rolling my body so I'm lying on my back, I turn my head to locate the source of the light.

"Holy crap... What the hell happened here?" I mutter, shielding my eyes against the wall of flames. "Did something explode? Did I do this?"

Taking careful consideration of my injuries, I try once more to sit up, managing to elevate myself into a sitting position against the wall of the mineshaft. My eyes widen in shock at the havoc that has occurred - Bloody corpses litter the floor of the mineshaft, trapped under and between the rocks that must have fallen from the roof. Looking up, I can see kilometres of heavy metal cables hanging down from the ceiling, crackling and shooting sparks down onto the floor of the shaft. A piece of burnt cable drops from the ceiling onto my leg, burning quickly through the scraps of my miners outfit and into my flesh. I scramble away from the cable, bellowing in pain as I put pressure on my left arm again.

'I have to get away from this area', I think, leaning against a rock as my vision blackens once more.

I stay supported by the rock for a minute, considering my options. If I stay here, I'm more likely to be found by whoever works here, but if I move, I might find other people, and a way out. Weighing up my options carefully, I decide to try and move further into the mine, and away from the inferno - there might be people further in the mine who escaped alive. Taking three deep breaths to calm the pounding in my head I push myself upright, working on slowly picking my way past the rocks and broken bodies in the near darkness. As I make my way further into the shaft it becomes gradually darker, and I'm forced to watch my footing so as to avoid treading on limbs. After about 100 metres I can feel my vision darkening, forcing me to stop once more. I sink down onto the floor of the shaft, putting all my effort into staying conscious and calming the pounding in my head. I can feel my vision slipping, my mind clouding over from the effort it took me to move away from the fire when when I feel something latch onto my left arm, jolting me awake.

'Someone else is here'.


A/N: I'm going to be away from the 28th to the 5th of October, so the story won't be updated until then! Please be patient with me, I will make sure to write the next chapter while I'm away so I can post it at soon as I get back!

Love and memory loss


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