chapter 2

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Soon enough I heard the washroom door open, its creaking noise brought a chill to my spine. My grip on the bat tightened as my eyes carried to mark the man in my head. His face was fine enough, to a kind of sculpted leanness that drew a woman's eyes. His unruly thatch of black hair was damp, with droplets of water still trickling down his neck. The way he stood was arrogant, feet planted wide, arms folded across his impressive naked chest. His body was tough with muscled arms, broad shoulders, narrow hips. There was a dragon tattoo that curled along the length of one muscled arm and the tail of it disappeared into his pants that hung dangerously low at his waist.  Everything about him radiated strength and darkness. Eyes, hair, energy. A dangerous archetype.

His dark black eyes casually scanned me as if I were an intruder who had just touched the most precious thing he ever owned.

"I'm sorry, I was just intrigued," I planted the bat down and back in its place.

"Intrigued about me?" his voice reverberated, rumbled like a deep storm. Soft but powerful enough to make my insides shiver.

"You wish," I rolled my eyes, helping myself on the couch.

"So you're the one Reena sent, right?"

"Why, are you expecting someone else too?"

"Well, I wouldn't mind a threesome."

My eyes went wide. I would have choked on my own breath. He saw the shock register on my face before I could hide it. A small smile played on his lips.

"Of course you wouldn't." I tried to be quick with a comeback.

He dumped his towel into the laundry and advanced to the bar counter.


"Whiskey on the rocks."

"So, what's your name?"

"Huh?" Never before, was there a client who asked me for my name. All that they look for is a vagina and some sex. The name of the woman didn't matter to them.

"I'm sorry, I was just asking for your name."

"Why do you want to know my name?"

"It's fine if you don't want to disclose it. I totally respect your privacy."

"No, I just want to know how my name really matters."

"I like to know my women." He dropped the ice into the glass.

"I'm not your woman. You're just paying me for sex."

"Why, are you scared you'll fall for me if you disclose your name?"

"Darling, you really have some high opinions about yourself," I scoffed "and it's Mehr, Mehr Dubey."

"So Mehr, you work with Reena?" He poured whiskey into the glass.

"Are you doing a thesis on me?"

He chuckled, and it rolled deep within his chest, "like I said, I like to know my women."

Grabbing both the drinks, he stepped out to extend me my drink.

"Thank you." I sipped on it. Exactly how I liked my drink.

"You should be really into cricket, I guess?" I implored

"You guess? Do you not know?"

"I'm sorry?" I was perplexed.

He placed his drink on the table that was stationed in front of the couch; it made a 'clink' sound. He strode a step closer towards me. My grip on the glass grew hard. So swiftly, in one go, he drew me by my arm. I jerked up from the couch as my breast pressed against his hard pecs. The contents of my glass spilt all over my clothes.

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