chapter 6

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Heya! Really sorry, I know I said I was going to update on Friday. But the chapter got deleted and I had to write it all over again. for those following me on Instagram would have known this, because I gave them a heads up about the delay. Re-writing the entire chapter is  the worst thing that can happen. Plus this chapter was a long one, made it all the more hard. #FML. Anyways, here you go.

*Happy reading*

I heard the rich and proud voice from behind me, "Are you ready to be my escort tonight?"

I turned my head, meeting the same pair of black eyes. He appeared before me, in all his grandeur. A tailored black suit with a charming red tie. His chiselled jaw lifted with a cocky smile. His soft, feather-like black hair brushed away from his brow. Every word he had said this morning reeled back into my head.

It was the same conceited son of a bitch.

"Abhimanyu Raghavan?"

"I believe that's me." Can he get any more arrogant?

"You got to be kidding me." There were sparks in my brain desperately trying to connect the dots. How could this happen? Why did Reena not tell me?

"Are you my client?"

"Supposedly," a crooked smile played on his lips, one that indicated that he had won.

My eyes rested, not unblinking but slowed, as though news like that was impossible to absorb any faster.

"Are...are you messing with me right now, because it's really not funny." It really was not. His mere presence seemed to buzz around me like a fly that I could never swat, how was I to be his pretend girlfriend for an entire night? I don't see it happening.

"You can confirm with your sources," he offered.

"Oh yes, I am going to." Wrapping my long fingers around the phone, I pressed the speed dial. Reena's phone kept buzzing. Soon Reena would confirm that he was wrong. I anxiously waited for her to answer it. I glanced back at the phone annoyed with its silence. Like a cat on hot bricks, I kept trying to reach her. It was the same. The next three times I called, it went to voicemail. What on earth was she up to? Why was she not answering my call?

"No luck?" his voice was calm as though he knew this was coming.

Every word he spoke churned in my stomach, made me want to pump my fist against that gorgeous face he owned.

"Why did you book me?" my words erupted in a furious state.

"Because I-"

"Had the money?" I snorted.

He inched forward and grasped my shoulders. The warmth of his fingers crept into my consciousness and I wanted to pull myself away.

"No," he said.

"I cannot do this. I'm leaving." I shoved his hands off.

"But why?" He asked.

"Why? I think it's pretty obvious we can't stand each other."

He snaked his arm around my waist and drew me closer. He leaned forward while his beard grazed the most sensitive part of my cheeks, "that's not entirely true," he whispered, pressing a soft kiss on my earlobe. Every hair on my neck sat up straight screaming for attention. I swallowed the lump in my throat, "well, the feeling is not mutual."

"Your claws are so intact."

"Are we done here?" I thrust him forward using the force in my hands against his chest.

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