chapter 3

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"Yea, what we had was a one-time thing too. What am I to do with your name? Probably I should remember your name as the richest man who fucked me?"

"Probably you should remember me as the only man who got to fuck Mehr Dubey for two nights straight."


I couldn't swallow the lump in my throat.

"Yeah, I booked you for two nights."

"You''re lying. Reena didn't tell me anything about that."

"You might want to double-check with her." He got on to his feet from the bed. The comforter slipped off his body setting it free from the last piece of cloth.

"She's not going to lie, is she?" He stifled a yawn and plodded heavily to the washroom.

At full speed, I dialled Reena's number. She knew I wouldn't sleep with the same man twice. Why would she do it? I bet he was lying.



"Ma'am, I'm still at the client's place."

"Yeah, I figured when you didn't return this morning."

"So the client has been telling me that he has booked me for two nights. Is that true?"

Please tell me it's not.

"Oh, about that, that's why I've been trying to reach you for so long."

My stomach churned, "and?"

"Yeah, it's true. I wanted to give you a heads up. That's why I called."

"What are you saying?" I clenched the phone so hard I'm sure my knuckles turned white.

"I'm sorry, Mehr. But it was too much money I couldn't resist."

"Ma'am, I told you I can't have sex with the same client twice."

"But Mehr, just look at the amount of debt that you'll be able to repay. Already half of it is paid."

"Why did you not bring this up this yesterday?"

"I couldn't have gotten you to go if I had told you yesterday."

"But you mentioned there was going to be a car waiting to pick me up in the night."

There was a pause.

"Ah, there was no car," I comprehended.

"Yeah, there was no car."

"Mehr, I can never come to understand why you can't have sex with the same client twice. But think of it this way, he's offering a lot of money. If you relax your rules a little this time, you can pay your debts faster. Supposing you don't take this night, you'll at least have to sleep with hundred other men to make the money that you could make tonight. Just think, this can get you out of this place."

"He's got to be filthy rich," I scoffed.

"You have no idea."

"So, you're in right?" she asked.

The idea of leaving the brothel appealed so much to me. I was stuck inside locked away for the freedom I have always wanted. Happiness seemed so far away, but with this offer, it just seemed as though it was right outside the window, just waiting for me to reach for it. I couldn't refuse. Another night with him wasn't going to change anything.

"Okay, I'll do it."


"So do I have any client for the morning?"

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