Lexi: Yummy. Dry toast.
Me: What did you want it to be? Wet?
Lexi: At least I didn't drop my toast on the floor.
Me: At least I know what toast is.
Me: yeah. You hit his sister, get on the guillotine.Lexi: do you know what a guillotine is?
Jessica: yes. It's the choppy choppy thing.
Me: We don't think an airplane could be in a brick.Lexi: We know it lives there!
Me: Hell yeah
Jessica: What?
Me: *from willy wonka* Voilet if I had to give you a score out of 10, I'd give you a 0 because you are well rounded and I'm the stick you need.Lexi and Jessica look weird.
Lexi: That got dirty quick
Me: Hehehehe
Lexi: She just laughs at her own joke.
Lexi: joke that starts with chucking a brick out of a plane and the brick killing a lady by landing on her head.Me: Storytime: how I died