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jihoon blinked his eyes groggily, shifting to lie on his back as he tried to rub the sleepiness away.

the first thing he sees is white.

the white ceiling that soonyoung begged to paint into blue but jihoon knew it would contrast the pink walls of their bedroom.

jihoon slowly sat up, reaching out for his stomach out of reflex. nowadays, the couple had been very careful with the baby they're nurturing in jihoon's stomach that they're afraid from little things already. they've told their friends about jihoon's pregnancy and their friends expressed their happiness by crowding around jihoon, almost suffocating the omega as they asked questions.

"you're pregnant?"

"you let soonyoung impregnate you?"

"is it april fool's?"

"it's may, jackass."

"aww, you're going to have a baby? that's adorable. i wonder if we could get one, too." jeonghan, an omega, whispered while glaring up at his own alpha, seungcheol, who seems to have been unfazed from the intense stare he's receiving.

jihoon turned to look to soonyoung's side of the bed and perceived that he wasn't there at all. soonyoung must have gone to the dance studio to teach his students again.

well, soonyoung's lessons start at ten in the morning but the alpha usually goes to the studio early to warm up and practise a few steps that he thought of for the songs that jihoon had composed.

one of the many things that made jihoon fall in love with him.

jihoon moved to let his tired legs off the bed and shivered when his toes touched the cold, wooden floor. jihoon quickly searched for his pair of fluffy slippers and slipped it on before standing up and did a few stretches.

he yawned into his hands before shaking his head.

washing his face would be a great way to take the sleepiness away, he thinks. but jihoon thought again and smiled to the new idea that popped in his head as he trudged his way towards the door.

"coffee it is."

the pregnant omega was only stirring his mug of coffee when he noticed a yellow note stuck on the refrigerator. he pulled it off of the fridge and read the clumsy writing of his alpha.

hey, we ran out of milk! i'll go buy some when i get home. i actually made pancakes for you but i'm guessing that they'll be cold by the time you wake up so i'm sorry!! 🙁

you can make new ones, though! 😃

i'll be back by three! see you soon.

–naega hosh

jihoon turned to look at the table where he saw three stacked up pancakes were lying on a lemon-colored plate with strawberries dabbed in the whip cream on top.

jihoon rolled his eyes with a small smile.

soonyoung and his strawberry obsession.

jihoon decided that he should go buy groceries since soonyoung said that they're out of milk and their refrigerator's contents were nearing to none as well.

the omega was having difficulties as to what clothes he should wear for the day but decided to fuck the people's opinions and grabbed the black t-shirt (his stomach still isn't that round. it looks flat.) he wore all the time and shrugged on his denim jacket as well. he folded the sleeves up to his elbows and slipped on his blue jeans and white sneakers before he's ready to go.

baby. ❜ ➵ soonhoon.Where stories live. Discover now