4 months

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jihoon once complained that he was sick and tired of staying in the apartment for days now, always cooped up with his alpha tending him twenty-four-seven.

not that jihoon hated the attention, he loved it. but he has always been in the same room every single day that he grew bored and felt suffocated. he even blamed soonyoung for confining him and turning their shared apartment into a prison when the omega himself is the one who's too lazy to even stand up.

the baby bump was growing, now very visible to their naked eyes and soonyoung would always take the chances he get to shower the unborn baby with his love and joy.

whenever soonyoung wasn't around (usually to the dance studio to teach his students some moves he learned), it was minghao or jeonghan who's there to babysit him. jihoon actually preferred minghao more just because jeonghan was too clingy and wouldn't let an opportunity to slip away from caressing jihoon's large stomach.

because of the big baby bump, the clothes jihoon usually wore weren't fitting him so much (much to the younger's dismay) and had resorted to wearing his husband's clothes instead. he wasn't complaining though, since the strong smell of his alpha was still intact in the clothing, which helped lessen his longing for his husband.

"jihoonie! are you ready?"

soonyoung looked around the corner only to catch jihoon trying to reach his pair of sneakers in the shoe rack to which he found endearing to watch.

it was one of those days wherein jihoon actually agreed to going out the house (those are pretty rare) for once and let the sunlight shine down him. jihoon didn't want to, at first. but after a few persuading from his irresistable lover, he finally gave up and gave in to the older's desires to soonyoung's victory.

it was a saturday morning, a day of no classes to teach for soonyoung and he wanted to spend his day-off with his adorable husband and take a walk to the park, smell the grass.

jihoon glanced over soonyoung and fully averted his glare to the older, annoyed as his husband seems to be enjoying his difficulty.

"what the fuck are you standing there for? come over here, idiot!"

soonyoung let the foul word slip away for now and did as he was told, helping his small lover reach for the pair of shoes and continued to slipping them on jihoon's feet. he proceeded to tying the laces into a tight knot and standing up properly.

when he looked up at the younger, though, he noticed that jihoon looked uneasy, nervous even. soonyoung frowned.

"hey," he called. "you alright?"

jihoon looked up to his alpha and perceived his concerned gaze directed to him and he quickly felt guilty for making the other worry over nothing. he smiled reassuringly and shook his head.

"let's go already." he took soonyoung's hand on his own and walked towards the front door, twisting the door knob and stepping out. he glanced over soonyoung.

"you got the keys?" he asked whilst soonyoung was closing the door and locking it before flaunting the keys to the omega. jihoon smiled.

"let's get going. i wanna smell fresh air."

jihoon was nervous. soonyoung noticed it from the start of their small walk through the streets. he was unsettled about something and it was bothering the alpha to see his omega in such state. the problem was that he didn't know what was making his omega so uncomfortable right now. he needed to know.

when they were to cross the street, soonyoung caught someone talking behind them.

"hey, mom. that guy's pregnant!"

"gaeun, shush!"

"he's so fat, mom! look at his tummy!"

"gaeun, zip it."

"mom, how can a guy get pregnant? aren't women supposed to be the ones who are pregnant?"

"i don't know, gaeun. it's pretty weird, isn't it?"

"he looks weird!" the girl behind soonyoung giggled in glee and he heard the mother demanding her daughter to be quiet. soonyoung furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and he almost turned to confront the two people behind them when he felt jihoon tug on his sleeve, stopping him.

when soonyoung looked over his husband, he noticed that jihoon looked worse than before. that's when soonyoung noticed their surroundings.

people were looking.

their eyes directed at them, but mostly at jihoon. and he could distinguish the look in their faces.


soonyoung wasn't surprised for jihoon to catch so many attentions. he was used to it. it was rare for a male to be pregnant since most of omegas consist of women, after all.

males who were born as an omega were considered as a plague to the society, thus why a lot of male omegas were forced to hide in the dark since they were commonly the ones who get to experience rape, which would cause them traumatized over the event and would never let anyone become close to them anymore.

they never wanted to face the terror of the community that has become so cruel to them again.

it was why jihoon never wanted to become pregnant in the first place. he never wanted to become the center of attraction, only to be dissed and hated for the secondary gender that he has received. and this was also the reason why soonyoung grew furious to everyone right now.

they were lowering his omega's self-esteem and it was eating up on jihoon.

soonyoung knew this was bad for him and the baby. he needed to calm the omega down asap. he would love to punch the people around him for degrading his husband like this, making him feel weak and doubtful of himself. but the moment soonyoung laid his eyes on his lover, everything else crumbled away and all he could think about is the man standing beside him who's trembling in fear, looking lost.

so without thinking, he wrapped his arm around the smaller's waist, catching the other by surprise as the taller pulled him closer to his body. jihoon looked up to him in confusion and the older was smiling down on him, his eyes soft and his smile sending a fuzzy feeling inside of jihoon.

the alpha leaned down to press a chaste kiss on the younger's forehead before pulling away, bumping their heads together.

my lover comes first before everyone else.

he whispered three words. three small words that sent jihoon's heart palpitating faster and his cheeks flushing, his eyes locked with soonyoung's own.

"i love you."

soonyoung pulled jihoon's head to rest on his shoulder, whispering something else.

"don't worry about people's opinions. you only need mine. and i think that..."

jihoon canted his head up to look at his alpha as he spoke, his flush never seeming to leave his face any time soon.

"i'm the luckiest person alive to have you as mine and mine alone."

jihoon blushed harder and pushed his head into his lover's neck, an attempt to hide from the older's sight.

"stupid soonyoung..."

soonyoung chuckled amusedly and the traffic light turned red, halting the cars that are passing and signaling the people the cross the street.

as the people slowly walked to cross the road, soonyoung glanced over his shoulder and sent a smug smirk over the mother who was holding her daughter.

the woman was shock to see the other sticking out his tongue over the other and then receiving a finger from soonyoung while they walk away, leaving the woman dropping her jaw in astonishment.

the girl she was holding only laughed and raised her own tiny finger back, continuing to laugh.

an old woman passed by and bulged her eyes out to see what the girl was doing and glared up at the woman who she presumed is the mother.

"what a disgraceful parent."

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