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"Shut up Klaus you'll wake them up" one whispered
"Omg they're so cute"
"My baby sister is growing up so fast" another hushed that voice
"Someone better keep an eye on them or else there's going to be a little number 5 running around"

I woke up to my 4...siblings? Standing at the doorway whispering to each other. "Oh she's awake" Diego whispered. I tried to get out of bed but I couldn't. Something was holding me back. I look down to see a pair of arms around my waist. Five was spooning me. What the actual fuck. I tried to move again but he pulled me closer so my back was right against his chest. I looked to the others for help. Klaus just shrugged his shoulders "have fun. Use protection!" He skips off into the hall and the other go off to whatever they're doing.
So there I was
With fives face pressed into the crook of my neck and me pressed into- we aren't even gonna go there. I just lay there and wait for him to wake up. A few minutes go by and he starts to move. He whispers a small "oh fuck" before pulling away like nothing even happened. I pretend like I'm still asleep and 'wake up' after he gets out of bed. "Morning man boy" I said flashing him a smile "good morning pea brain. I'm getting coffee and you're coming. Get dressed" he ordered me "okiedokie" I said rummaging through my bag for clothes. I pick out a dark red sweater and some leggings. I fixed my hair in the mirror when someone bursts into the room.
"Yooooo baby sis" Klaus yells almost tripping on himself "hi Klaus" I respond in a sing song tone "sooooooo what's up with you and boy wonder? You guys looked pretty cozy this morning" he said wiggling his eyebrows "nothings going on Klaus. I just had to sleep in his bed because there was bugs on the floor" I say still fixing my hair "that sounds like an excuse. Does my sister have a cruuuush?" He teased me "no I don't. I'm pretty sure Five isn't very fond of me either. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go get coffee with said boy" I walked out of the room "MY SISTER HAS A BOYFRIEND MY SISTER HAS A BOYFRIEND! Oh jolly day!" I hear Klaus shouting from the room.

I make my way downstairs to see five waiting in the kitchen "took you long enough. C'mon the car is running" He sassed. I got into the passenger side and five got into the drivers seat "do you even know how to drive?" I ask "I know how to do everything. Put your seatbelt on" he says pulling out of the driveway "no. I like to depend on natural selection" I say with a bright smile before five slammed on the breaks causing me to jerk out of my seat "we aren't leaving until you put your seatbelt on" he stares into my soul. But I was going to put up a fight as payback for being spooned this morning. I crossed my arms and sat there "we could do this all day" I say steaming into the driveway. Five has had enough. He reached over me and grabbed my seatbelt to buckle me in. Before I could stop him he quickly buckles me in and puts the child lock on. The boy pulls out of the drive way making his way down the street. "So...how did you sleep?" He asks still focusing on the road "I slept well. First time I got a good nights sleep in a while. I don't know I just felt...safe" Five smirks and a light think of red flushed on his face "that's...good I guess".

We pull into a grocery store and give parks "why not Griddys" I ask but he just shrugs "it's closed for a few days due to...events" he smiled and walked into the store. I followed close behind him and he made his way to the coffee isle. He inhales the sent of the coffee beans "you smell that rainbow. that's the smell of fresh coffee beans" he closes his eyes and for once looks relaxed "You're a bean" I whisper under my breath "I'm a what?" he asks opening his eyes " a bean" I giggled "why am I a bean?" "because you're so small. I'm at least 3 inches taller than you" I say ruffling his hair. He rolled his eyes and picked out his coffee and checked out.


we opened the front door to find everyone in the living room area playing a game. Klaus looks over at us and shouts to Five "come play charades with us, numb nuts!" I giggle at his name and head over there along with Five. we sit on the couch as Klaus handed me a bowl from his spot on the floor "pick one" he said looking up at me like a puppy. I open one of the paper strips to see what I had to act out

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