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Josie's POV
it's been 6 weeks with Penelope and I haven't heard from her and I'm struggling so bad. I have the notebook that she gave me and I keep reading her section, over and over again, I can't get her out of my mind, I love her too and I just wish I could tell her.

I stopped carrying my phone around, cause after week 3 of not hearing a word I knew I wouldn't hear from her, I'm so mad that she's left but I would trade anything in the world for her to come back to me, I would give anything to hear her say jojo one last time.

Lizzy and I aren't really talking so much, we say our hellos and do some sister things but nothing like we used too, I want Penelope I know that now and for me and her to be together I must become stronger and my own person for her to even consider it, I know I broke her heart with my selflessness but she also broke mine, I would put that behind us any though if it meant she would be back in my life.

I found myself walking down the hall heading to my last class for the day when Lizzy come up behind me and gals me on the shoulder

"Hey jo, your phones been ringing all day, I've been trying to find you to tell you" Lizzy saids handing me my phone

Lizzy couldn't find me all day because I'm between classes if I turned up I would be in the greenhouse at the back of the campus, it's where Penelope and I used go when the school felt a little crowded

"Thanks Lizzy" I gave her a hug as well

I checked the number and it was a European code, it wasn't Penelope's because I had hers when the only time she messaged me was when she landed,  she told me that she wanted me to have her number but to not contact her unless it was an emergency or if I contacted her, my heart broke even more when I read it but I understood, don't get me wrong there were plenty of days when I wanted to text her and confess everything but I knew it wasn't fair

After class I walked outside and sat under a tree I kept starring at the number, when my phone rang

"Hello...?" I said

"Hi, is this ah, Josie from the Salvatore school?"

"Yes it is, how can I help"

"Um this is Penelope parks mum, she told me to ring you if anything happened"

I heard this womens voice crack after she said happened, I had so many things running through my head it was driving me crazy, I was so anxious but I knew I couldn't rush the women.

"What do you mean Mrs park"

"Josie, Penelope was in a car accident, and is in coma that magic won't get her out of" the lady sniffles

"Oh my gosh, is she..." I was cut off

"Josie is not sure how she is or if she's going to come through"

"What do you need Mrs park"

"It's not me, it's what Penelope needs, she would hate me to say that she needs someone but Josie I think she really needs you, she hasn't been the same since we left and I think it cause she left you"

"Mrs Park."

"She doesn't share much with me but whenever your name was mentions her whole manner changed"

"I need to process this and talk to my dad, can I get back in contact with you"

"Of course Josie, but I think she really needs you"

I hung up the phone breathless, gasping for air, tears were gushing down my face, I couldn't hold it in anymore, I was broken and this news made it worse

I made my way back to mine and lizzys room and she was sitting on her bed

"Jo, what's wrong" Lizzy gets up to give me a Hug

"Penelope, she's hurt, like really bad Lizzy" I said sobbing

Lizzy grips me tighter, it's been a while since we spelt hugging each other but I needed Lizzy tonight.

Penelope Park you can not do this to me Where stories live. Discover now