Penelope park you are the one

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Josie's POV
I reach out and grab her hand, and pull up he chair beside her, I tear rushed down my face

"Penelope park, you continue to surprise me" I sighed

"The whole trip I thought about what I would say to you, would I confess my love for you, would I be angry at you or would I just be here to hold your hand, all three I guess, Penelope you make me crazy"

I had one hand on her leg and the other gripping her hand, I paused and just looked her up and down

"Why Penelope."

I squeezed her hand and never let it go

Penelope's POV
Everything hurts, I can't open my eyes but I feel and hear everything, I heard Josie enter the room, heart felt warm my belly was full of butterflies


I screamed but nothing came out I felt her hand on mine and felt her thumb rubbing my leg softly, and I could tell that she looked perfect with that cute pouty face of hers

All I could do was listen to her, however that was one of my favourite things to do, I used sit in the library with her and just watch her read or study I was meant to be doing the same things but I couldn't with her distracting me

She stopped talking, I wish I could jump in and say something but I couldn't walk up, I was stuck in my dream world, were I had Josie and we were together

"Penelope Park I know your stuck in your dream world, selfish you probably has me and we're living in some dream land and probably madly in love. But Penelope I'm here I'm really here feel my hand on yours Penelope I need you back"

Something clicked, I wanted to smile and laugh but I couldn't move, she was right though, I was living in my dream world with the love of my life and I'm happy remote place I'd watch Josie read then we wold have lunch tightest and end up in bed cuddling and watching movies, it was perfect I had her in my arms all day and I could kiss her whenever, I love her and she knows that

I just wish I could open my eyes and see her

Josie's POV
Nat put her hand on my shoulder,

"Josie do want to go get some food"

I didn't realise how late it was, I'd been siting her for over 4hrs just starring at her and talking I remembered Penelope used to love listening to me talk

"Sure, are you coming"

"If you would like me to join you?"

"of cause, your Penelope's mum and you have all her childhood stories"

She smiled,
"Did you want to get take out and eat it in here?"

"If you don't mind, I've just away from her, for so long"
I looked back at Penelope

"Josie it's okay I get it, Italian?"

"Omg that would be amazing, spaghetti bolognese, here I'll give you some money"

"No it's okay Josie, I invited you here it's okay"

She left again to get dinner, I was once again alone with Penelope, i squeezed her hand then I feel something squeezing back

Penelope's hand squeezes my hand her eyes were still closed but this was a good sign

"Penelope, open your eyes, it's okay I'm right here, I'm here Pezz"

I placed my hand on her chest feeling her heart, is looking at Penelope's eyes and they begin the flutter

I said softly

Here eyes slowly opened and I felt her heart flutter when her eyes where meet mine

"Hey jojo."

Penelope Park you can not do this to me Where stories live. Discover now