The Meeting

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Irumas pov

What.... The hell....?

I blinked my eyes open only to be greeted with my rooms ceiling - painted a nice pastel pink for anyone wondering.

Although I couldnt see much of it at this time, it was still night. I glanced at my stereotypical neon red alarm clock seated next to my bed. 3.00am?

What woke me up this late at night?

My hands rubbed my eyes as I got out of bed. I walked to my window and pulled the window up.

I could hear voices from my yard. I couldn't make out the number of voices, or what any of them were saying.

Huh? Robbers!? Murderers?? No, I'm too young and beautiful to be murdered!

My eyes glanced over to the door. Should I go out there?

No! I'm not dying just yet!

I could only see up to my fence from my window, since my bedroom was on the second floor. I couldn't even see what was going on down there.

Securing a baseball bat in my hands, I slowly opened up the door and climbed downstairs.

I stopped, hearing the voice also stop. Nope, apparently they didn't hear me because not two seconds later they continued. I could make out that it was only one voice now that I was at the end of the staircase.

My head slowly swung around the corner. The only thing I could see was my kitchen, as well as the windows to the yard. I couldn't quite see much of the yard, since my counters were in the way.

There was also a giant Hatsune Miku poster hanging from the side of the stairs which I have continuenly been fucking terrified of during night.

But, it was half price from a vendor in Korea, so its not like I was gonna take it down.

I slowly made me way towards the back yard. I kept my bat low so I woundnt be seen easily, or maybe because I was just scared of them catching me.

Nevertheless, I found my way to the back door, pushing it aside with a small squeaking noise.

I could see a figure in my back yard, though not a standing figure. More like, a leaning over figure. They were talking to what seemed to be themselves. I still couldnt hear what they were saying.

I scrambled for my flashlight, raising my bat as I turned my light on and swept it across the garden. The great Miu Iruma isn't meant to be scared of anything goddammit!

I saw her.

I walked closer to the figure I found. She was a japenese female who was currently wrapped all around my Shibu Inu, kissing her fur and hugging him.

Well..... This was not what I fucking expected....

I dropped the bat.

"What are you doing?" I asked, trying to be as formal and polite as I possibly could.

"Petting the cutieeeeee doggy ~~" The other girl replied. Her blonde locks rested on my dog as she squeezed him into a hug. Her voice sounded more than a bit drunk.

How the hell did she even get here?

"What's his name?" The girl looked up at me, still hugging Breadloaf. Yes, I named my dog Breadloaf. Don't question it, he is the same colour as a breadloaf and very very fat.

"Breadloaf." She went back to hugging the dog, even more considerate and loving. I concluded that she wasn't really a threat. Expecially not in this state.

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