Chapter 15

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One week since eomma had leave us. Noona, she was not cheerful as she was before.

Looking at my own reflection on the mirror in my bedroom, I sighed.

I could see that I was weak and pathetic.

Noona acted strong in front of everyone, even in the campus. Acting like she was not hurt and fine.

But here I am, cowardly hiding inside my own bedroom, and blaming myself again and again about what happened.

If eomma saw this, she would be really disappointed since I am becoming my old self.

I have to change. I have to change for Noona. I need to man up.

I nodded my head and walked out from my bedroom and went downstairs.

Noona was sitting on the couch, still waiting for me.


She turned her head and curled her lips as soon as she saw me.

"Y/N," Noona eventually stood up from the couch and walked closer to me, holding my shoulders before pulling me into her arms.

"I was worried about you," She spoke softly.

"I am sorry noona. I promised I won't do that again," I hugged noona back before pulled her away, showing her my smile.

"You little kid," She grinned before smacked at the back of my head before dragging me along to the campus with her.

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As soon as I arrived at the college, the first person that greeted me was EXO members.

"Yah Hyung! We miss you!" Sehun punched my arms which made I winced in pain.

The other members laughed and ruffled my hair, showing their 'affection' to me.

When Suho Hyung was walking towards us, everyone became silence. No one was even dare to look at him.

I wonder what happened?

"Y/N, Chorong," Suho hyung greeted me and noona.

His eyes somehow looked sad when he called Chorong noona.

"Y/N, I'm.. I'm  going to class first. Take care," Noona immediately walked out from the scene, leaving me and the EXO members alone.

"Soooooo, let's go," Chen broke the silence and dragged me to the class.

Baekhyun and Chen kept talking about what happen at the campus when I was gone, which was obviously they were trying to make me forget about the pain memories of losing my most important person.

"Baby!" Somebody called me when I arrived in front of the class which made me sighed as I knew who was the person was.

Damn! I forgot she was here.

"I miss you baby! Why didn't you picked up my calls? Do you know how worried I am?" She clinged onto my arms while looking at with a pleading eyes.

Looking at Baekhyun and Chen trying to  ask for some help, they just shrugged their shoulders and mouthed,

We can't help you with this one

and they walked away from me.I looked at them in awe, and shocked.

I let out a  long, deep audible breath before pulling away Nayeon's hand that was holding my arms.

"Get away from me," I mumbled and tried to walk away from her, but she quickly held my arms back and pulled me towards her.

"Stop being salty Y/N. I know you still love me," She pouted and stole a kiss from my lips.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?" I whisper-shouted at her while pushed her away from me. Instead of walking to my seat, I walked out from the class, going the bathroom.

I went to the sink , and took a handful of water. I gargled, trying to wipe away the kiss that Nayeon gave me just now.


Looking at my own reflection I sighed.

I knew her.

She won't stop until she get what she want.

And she wants me.

.            .             .           .           .             .   

I had been avoiding that witch for as long as I could today. I let out a sighed of relief and went to the club room.

Speaking of club, I didn't see Seulgi or any other members at the campus today.

Therefore, I thought maybe if I went to the Music room today, they might be there.

Opening the door, somebody pulled me inside and I was suddenly got attacked by the girls.

"Oppa!" Joy engulfed herself into my arms and kissed my cheeks repeatedly.

"He- hey," I stuttered.

The other girls just laughed as they saw my reaction.

"Hi Y/N, we miss you," Wendy said and pulled me away from Joy and hugged me.

"Thank you?" I replied to her but my eyes was wandering around, trying to find the person that I wanted to see the most, but she was nowhere to be found.

"Omo, He is searching for Irene unnie when we are here for him," Yerim smirked and fake her cries.

"Don't worry Y/N, she misses you too," Seulgi teased me by poking my waist which made me jumped.

"Hi Y/N,"

The voice greeted me, and I unconciously smiled when I heard it.

Turning my head and my body around, I was shocked with what I saw.

Oh God, What happened to her?

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