Chapter 27

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It took me a year and six month for me to walk again. I might be not  100% walking like before because I was painfully really slow at walking right now.

But hey, atleast I got to avoid the wheel chair.

This is all because I wanted to see Irene.

I need to see her.

Ehem, she was indeed my motivation.

I was in the living room, watching the movies with Baekhyun when noona joined us in the living room with a bowl of popcorn in her hands.

Baekhyun looked at the bowl, and he was tempted by it.

I chuckled and I could see his eyes was sparkling when he saw that bowl.

"Uh, I'll take that," Baekhyun extended his hand to the bowl, and took it.

"Thank you," He sat back on the sofa right next to me, putting the bowl on his lap as his hand took the popcorn and eat it.

"When will I get to see Irene noona?" I bluttered it out.

Baekhyun almost chocked himself with the popcorn right after he heard me.

"Soon Y/N. You need to be healthy first,"

Seriously? Not this again.

Every single time I ask her to bring me to see Irene, Chorong noona always said that I need to be healthy and need to walk like before and blah blah blah.

I am really tired of this.

"Not this again," I sighed.

"You promised me noona. As soon as I can walk, you will bring me to meet her,"

"I thought we already discuss about this many time Y/N," She sternly said to me.

"Why are you doing this to me Noona? " I mumbled frustatedly.

"I have my reasons,"

She stood up, leaving me and speechless Baekhyun in the living room.


And yeah there you go, she slammed her bedroom's door.


I turned my head at Baekhyun, who was looking at me too.

Uh, maybe he was looking at me a little too close.

"Sorry for that, Baek,"

"It was awkward for me but okay,"

He pulled away from me and continued to eat his popcorn before calling me by my name.

"Hey Y/N,"


"You know, everything that your sister did has a reason,"

Seriously Baek, Not you too.

"Why is everybody trying to stop me meeting Irene and avoiding me when I ask about her?" I sighed.

"I know you are frustated Y/N, but You'll understand one day,"

Honestly, I didn't even know what to do now. I could sneak out from this house and went to Irene's, but it would be stupid of me to do that.

I am really slow at walking right now, and they could catch me up anytime they wanted to.

-Time skip-

It was night time when I was totally thirsty and woke up from my bed.

When I was on my way to the kitchen, I heard two people arguing with each other in the living room, and decided to hide myself behind the walls.

"I can't let him see her, Baek,"


Is she talking about me?

"Until when Chorong? Soon, he will find out by himself, and it is going to hurt him more,"

"I... I just don't want to lose him too. I know him too well, Baekhyun. He will do something stupid when he knows about Irene," Noona continued.

What about Irene?

Noona, Please don't tell me you lie to me about Irene being alive.

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