Chapter 4: You'll Remember

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The next day I came back to the hospital. The only problem, other than the fact that Rae was amnesiac, was that I had forgotten to bring a picture or an object to help her remember. 'At least I have the pictures in my phone' I thought.

I walked to the 303 room, where Rachel was. I slowly and calmly opened the door, scared that she screams at the sight of me. What I saw made me even more sad. I saw our two other friends, Dick and Kory trying to remember her who they were, but to no avail. Kory was crying and Richard was trying to comfort her even know he himself tried to hold back the tears.

The two teenagers had been a couple for over a year now. Rachel was like the sister Kory always wanted to have. Understandable, her big sister, Koma, has never been kind to her not even once in her whole life. The only times she acted nicely was when she wanted something from the red haired girl.

Dick Grayson has three brothers; Jason, Timothy and Damian. All adoptive brothers though. He regarded Rachel as the sister he never had. They were really close too and that's sad to see that his "sister" doesn't remember him.

"Hey dud-" I hadn't got the time to talk to them since they had already left the room and no matter how much I wanted to talk with them, I thought that talking with my Rae was more important than anything else at the moment. She seemed sad, scared, confused, lost. The girl I liked couldn't remember anything, not even her own name. She didn't knew what to do, who to trust, where to go. 'Where to go?'

That's when it hit me. I had totally forgotten how she had nowhere to go. She couldn't leave the hospital since she had no one to take care of her. Her parents hadn't survived the accident and no one knew any other person related to her other than her parents and her cousin, Morgan, I had pretended to be. She didn't really knew him and honestly, from what the Roths were saying, he seemed to be a real jerk and irresponsible guy. He did drugs, he was an alcoholic and he had a criminal record. He wouldn't be able to take care of her, plus he was still a teenager.

"Hey" I quietly said. She looked up at me with sorrow, pardon, terror, confusion and the list went on. "Are you okay" The purple haired girl shook her head. 'At least she's not screaming and yelling like yesterday... she seems more... calm?' I made a line with my lips. "I'm Gar-"

"Garfield... I know who you are, you told me yesterday... You're my best friend, right?" She asked me. I could see in her ocean blue eyes that she was sorry, sorry that she couldn't remember someone that seemed to really care about her.

I glanced at the wall on my left before walking to Rachel. I sat on the chair next to her bed. I nodded. "I'm... your childhood best friend. You really can't remember anything? At all?" She shook her head. "What did the doctors told you?"

"The doctors said my name was Rachel Roth, like you said, and about the accident, but that's kinda all" I nodded at her. "I'm sorry I can't remember you and I'm sorry for yesterday-"

I gestured. "Hey it's okay, don't worry. It's not your fault"

"Will I ever remember?" I nodded hopefully.

She smiled at me. Oh how I missed that smile of hers. "Do you want me to try and help you remember some things?" She nodded happily. I took my phone out of my pocket and looked through the pictures.

I showed her a picture of us on her birthday the year before. I remember how happy we were, smiling, laughing, dancing even. It was an amazing day. I could only hope she remembered how happy she was that day.

She glanced at me with sadness in her ocean eyes. Rachel slowly shook her head. She wanted to remember so bad, but she couldn't, wasn't able to. I desperately stared at floor.

I showed her another picture. Me, Rach, Kory, Dick and Vic were at the festival together. We had so much fun. So much good memories. If only she could remember. Remember how I care about her and how important she is to me. She shook her head again.

I showed her another photo. She was with her parents, smiling. Same reaction, she shook her head. I could see in her eyes that she was starting to lose hope, but me, I wasn't losing hope, I couldn't. I would make her remember, even if it took years.

We continued to do that for almost an hour. She was tired and told me to stop, so I did. "It won't work Garfield. It doesn't work" Sadness filled her voice and despair filled her eyes.

"It will, believe me" I reassured her. I saw it was getting late so I stood up and I started to leave. "I'll see you tomorrow" I told Rachel. She nodded and gave me a small smile.

I came back home. My adoptive parents asked me how it went, but I said nothing. All I did was search for something that could trigger a memory. An object maybe. I laid down on my bed and stared at the ceiling. 'No matter how much long it could take, you'll remember. I'll make sure of it'

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