Chapter 18

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***Okay leaving for Outer Banks tomorrow. IDK if I'll have internet so I can either post in the morning or right now. Your choice! Anyways 230-something reads?! I love you guys!!!***

I woke up with no strong arms around me. I didn’t know where I was until I remembered last night. The club, James kissing me, Carlos breaking up with me, packing, leaving.

Last night after a while down the streets I got tired. I knew I had to get away from Carlos and everyone so I got on a night bus. I went from Los Angeles to San Francisco. I checked into the Hampton Inn and cried myself to sleep.

I lied in bed staring at the morning city lights for a while. I sat up and grabbed my phone. Wow, 6 a.m. I had 72 text messages, 23 missed calls, and 19 voice mails. Why were they calling me?! I know they hate me!

I decided on reading some of the messages.

Savannah- Where r u?! We don’t hate you!

James- Where did u go? I’m sorry about last night. I feel horrible! Plz call!

Melody- I’m sorry for calling u names last night. Ur not stupid. James told us the truth. Where r u?!

Annie- Please come back!!! Where r u?!

Kendall- Answer us Kates! We miss u!

Logan- Where r u?! We r worried sick!

I was getting ready to read another when I got a text from Carlos. I clicked view and read it.

Katelyn plz come home! I’m so sorry about last night! James told me the truth. I regret breaking up with you! I miss you more than anything and I don’t hate you. I love you and need you. Come home! <3 I can’t go on without you! The girls I was with last night were fans and I was being nice. I love you and only you. You are my world that I need to live. Plz just plz come back. And again. I love you. <3

I read this crying. They did care about me. Especially Carlos. I stood up and went to the bathroom. When I came back out I had a new text. I looked at my phone… was from Alexis.

So I heard you and Carlos broke up. Sammy likes that/ I’m sure your friends are worried about youvbut I don’t really care. I know you miss them but we need you. Meet us in the alley outside that little coffee shop around the corner from your building at 3 and we won’t have to hurt your friends. Toodles!

Ugh! I can’t believe this! I have to surrender, otherwise they’d kill me and everyone else. Either way I hurt somebody. But I’ve made up my mind. I’m going to give myself to them. But I need to be prepared. Who knows what they’ll do to me?!

I got up from my bed and grabbed my bag. I searched through it till I found my converse, jeans, and a shirt. I got dressed then put on a sweat shirt. No need for paparazzi to swarm me. I put on my shoes then brushed back my hair. I put it in a ponytail the grabbed all my money and my phone.

I went down to the lobby and saw they were having a free breakfast. I got some waffles and strawberries. When I finished eating I left. I walked down the street towards the big mall/shopping center. When I got there I decided to get a new pair of clothes. I mean hey, I wanted to have new clothes if I was going to be hurt/kidnapped/killed….you know what I mean.

I went to the girls section. I looked through the racks and grabbed some stuff. I went to the dressing room and tried them on. I decided on some black skinny jeans, a dark blue Hollister shirt, and a brown leather jacket with lots of inside pockets.  I bought everything and put it on, carrying around my old clothes. I went over to the shoes. I really think the outfit would go good with boots.

I went over to the boots and after 10 minutes of deciding, I chose some black combat boots. I bought them and put those on too. By the time I was done it was 12 o’clock. 3 hours left. I went to the food court and ordered some Chick-Fil-A. When I finished I went by the hunting store.

I walked over to the pocket knives and selected a black folding knife. I walked over and grabbed some power bars, in case I get hungry. Surprisingly they had granola bars and slim jims too so I got a pack of those. I decided I had everything I needed and went outside. I was left with 346 dollars. Oh well.

I took the granolas and slim jims out of the box and slid them inside either side of my jacket.  I put one knife in my boot and another up my sleeve where they wouldn’t be able to find it. I put my phone in another secret pocket.

“I’m ready.” I whispered to myself. Should I call Carlos? Explain everything? I felt guilty and I figured I might as well say good bye since I will probably never see them again. I took out my phone and typed in Carlos number.

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