Chapter 28

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"My home will never be a place but a state of mind."


"I want to go home." Jungkook has finally blurted what seems to bother him so much.

But, is he serious? He wants to go home?!

"Boy! Are you serious?" I asked him. Shocked. I thought he wants to be with Jihyo and we're going to change her decision but what's this?

"I miss home hyung." He whispered. Just enough for me to hear. He's crying.

"We will talk with the others about this when we get back on the house." Was the only thing I managed to say.

I was shocked at what he told me. I never thought that everything will end up like this.

This is not what we want.


Seeing her like this I don't know if I should give it a try or no. Mark became our friend as well, and what will he say?

Am I worried about on what people will think? Shouldn't I just think of my own happiness? I've waited so long. I've sacrificed a lot. I've longed for her.

And now she's here.

"Aish! Kim Taehyung! What are you doing?" I mentally asked myself.

"I love you." I blurted as I was thinking.

I got shocked by what she did next.

She hugged me.

Not like before, this hug is tighter and I feel a lot more secure than any other hugs I received.

I hugged her back and smile at what's going on. I never expected it to turn out like this.

"I love you Sana."


We are on our way back to Jihyo's house...

I don't know why but, I suddenly miss home. Maybe I felt tired, of waiting. Of everything about me and Jihyo...

I'm hurting so bad and it feels like she'll never notice it.

I came back to reality when I realize that Jihyo has leaned closer to me and rest her head on my shoulder.

I turned my head and again, everything feels weird, just like the way it was when I met her.

I am thankful that I could still recognize love.

"I'm going to tell you something when we got home." She said as she intertwined our fingers.

"I have something to tell you too." I said, shortly and I don't know if she felt nervous or what with what I said.

I shifted my eyes and focused on the road. I know I will be doing what is right.

It wasn't a very long drive but, it was quiet. It almost felt like the air inside the car had died.

As we arrived at home Jihyo and I headed straight to her room.

Both of us sat at the corner of the bed, quiet, speechless.

"What are you going to tell me?" We said in unison as we met each others' eyes.

"You go first." She whispered.

"Well, I didn't want to do this. But, I think we have to stop our relationship. I mean, you want to stay here, you want to live here. And I, I want to go home. I want to go back to what I left. I want my life back. So, I think this is what's the best for the both of us. Let's break up." I said.


He is breaking up with me. I can't believe this.

"But, Jungkook" I started.

"Shhh. I will be alright okay?" He said as he cupped my cheeks and rest his forehead against mine.

"Wait." I said again as he stood up and make his way on his luggage.

"I said wait. Aren't you going to let me say what I have to say?" I said sobbing and almost yelling.

He stopped on what he was doing and look at me.

"I was about to tell you that I'll be going home with you. That I've decided, that for me, you are the most important person and I don't want to lose you, ever again. That I am the luckiest girl because I am yours and you are mine." I said sobbing.

I could see that he was shocked. He took few steps towards me and caressed my arms then held my hand.

"Thank you." He said as he pulled me and hugged me very tight.

"I really miss home and I'm so sorry." He added.

"So we are back together?" I asked.

"Relationship, is formed by two people, so if one didn't agree then it'll not happen." He explained as he sob.

"When are we going home?" He asked as he smiles at me.

"Next week." I said straight and smiled at him. He smiled back at me and I felt genuinely happy and contented with what we have.

I am going home, to my real home. With my friends, with Jungkook.


Hello hoomans!

This is just a short update. It's been months since the last update. I'm very very sorry. 죄송합니다. As all of you know, this story is coming to an end. Thank you for your support. 🤟🏻

Ms Prose And Poetry. 🌻

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