Chapter Five

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____________________________________Jason's P.O.V.______________________________

I ran up stairs to see what my mom wanted me to help her with.  I know my mom she is ckind of a cluts when trying to do something like getting down a bowl or a pot from the top shelf of our cabinits.

"I'm here mom what is it you need..." I sort of trailed off when I saw a figure outside in the back yard.  I leaned my head to the side to look around her to get a better look at the figure and it was just a bear, from what I could see.  But then it got a little closer to our house.  I turned on the out side light and saw a dog just sitting there.  I woundered how it got here.  Just then my mom looked out the window and saw it to and dropped the pot she had in her hands.  She then screamed at the top of her lungs. 

"I heard a scream and came as fast as I could."  My dad said as he walked into the kitchen and then the basement door swung into his face giving him a headache.  He stumbled backwards and tripped over the chest left out  in the living room when Keven came in. 

"What the hell happened?  Wheres the fire-" Kevin said as he opened the door to the basement.  He looked out side and saw the dog.  "So.  You found us did you now?"  Keven said laughing.  "The bloody day I thought would never come and he finds us instead of us finding him." 

"That dog is yours?!" My mom said, more then a little startled.  She seemed more white then a ghost seeing its own reflection.  "Jesus Freaking Christ, that dog scared the hell out of me.  It was like he came out of nowhere and now hes here."

"Well are you going to let him in, or not?"  Kevin said, with a little more anticipation then anyone else.  you could tell by the look on his face, that he hadn't seen his dog in a long while. 

"Well seeing as you just swung the door open into my face and bout gave me a bloody nose, and i tripped over your chest, and about broke the coffee table.  I don't see why we should.  I mean I understand you haven't seen that dog in a long time but still." 

"Fine.  Can I at least can I go say hi to him?" Kevin said with some sadness so they we all buy it.  I mean I last saw him on the way here.  Kevin walked outside and reach down to pet him, but he pulled away like there was something wrong.  "Whats your problem, dog?" I said and I thought that was funny as hell but he didn't think so.  He just stared at me with his big round eyes. I soon see him looking around very suspiciously.  Then Kev tied his dog to the hose box we have and and again looked around as if he was trying to find something or some one. 

When he finally came in, I asked him what was the matter.  I could tell he was spoked by something, I just couldn't think of what though.  There is nothing here execpt for us, and the people next door. 

"Nothing I thought that there was another person outside with me, and the dog.  I just miss my friends in Michigan, I guess."  He said shrugging his shoulders. 

"Guess so.  I mean if you are hearing voices in the middle of the night.  Then yeah.  You are hearing things cause we in here, didn't hear a thing.  What did you hear, if I may ask."  I ask him with peaked curiosity.  I was litteraly on the edge to hear this.  I'm a huge fan of shit like this. 

"It sounded like my girlfriend's voice.  I mean we were almost inseparable back in Michigan." he said.  He looked like he was about to cry.  I had to think of something fast.  But right as I as going to say something, he cut me off.  "She was the most beautiful girl you would ever see.  I have a pic of her on my phone."  He pulled out his phone and scrolled thought his pictures until he found the perfect one.  She had Hazel eyes, dirty blonde hair, no blemishes on her skin, and and aws just like Kevin said she was.  Maybe more then what he said.  I mean, she was HOT!  Nothing that could come close to her.  She mesmerized me for a long while. 

"Hey, Jason." Kevin said after what felt like a few hours.  "I think your mom needs you."

"Oh yeah, I'll go see what she wants now." I say in a snoody way.  And just like that, I knew she was the one for me. 

____________________________________Kevin's P.O.V._______________________________

I left Jason and went back down stairs to contemplate what the hell just happened.  The voice did sound like my old girlfriend that I had in Michigan, her name was Jenifer Star.  She was the only reason I wanted to stay in Michigan.  But I had to move on from her.  Me and Lorence are on the run from the Most Oblivies Fighters Erangement RegimentS.  They killed the our home planet.  They destryed families.  They killed the first Two Gaurdians of our planet of Malistar and I'm next.  I need to worry more on the now then the past. 

"Hey Kevin?  Have you washed up or done any thing?  I need to know."  Mrs. Hendrix asked. 

"Yes, I have, Mrs. Hendrix." I reply with a little laughter in my voice.  I was trying to hold it together the best I could, but trying to forget leaving your friends like I did.  That is hard to forget. And leaving your home PLANET is even harder to get over. 

"Well get up here, it's time for supper." Mrs. Hendrix yells back down.  I start my why up the stairs and then I get a feeling that some one is here with me in the basement.  I turn around and look around for a quick second.  Not much changed in the few seconds that I got up to go up stairs.  But then, as if it was a ghost that could become a phical body, Jenifer was there. 

"Why did you leave me, Mason?  Why?"  She said.  I just stode there, staring at her like she was a freaking enderman from Minecraft.  I had no reasponce ready for her. 

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