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A/N: I'm sorry this is short but I just felt like writing today and so I wanted to get some in. 

Ever since then I have been here at lovely Thurmond, Virginia. Here, we eat whatever crap they can scrap up for us (more like what they make us scrap up for them), and the occasional nothing. Our itinerary is filled to the brim with stimulating activities such as making uniforms for the "soldiers" that hold us captive, digging up vegetables for our meals, and constant cleaning. Here, we are not a priority, we are hidden, we are kept quiet, and here, we are not allowed to use our powers. They keep the different colors separated and we are sorted by gender as well. It has been years since I have seen a boy my age and that is something I am still stuck on. The government is using camps to hide us and keep us out of sight. Adults have stopped sending children here but I think that is because there are no more. People are scared that they will have dangerous abilities and so that stopped abruptly. I have also learned that we have been sealed off from other countries because they think that IAAN is contagious. I am not called by my name, I am referred to as a number and my number it 50243, it is on all of my stuff in thick black sharpie. I despise my mother for putting me here on her own choice and I will never forgive her for this but either way, I can't do anything about that right now or maybe even ever.

Anyways, lately, I've had some trouble controlling my red side.

[Flashback to two weeks ago]

We walked through the factory they built about a year ago in a single file line to our assigned posts at making boots. We were going about our regular routine for a Wednesday and all was going great. I was lacing up the boots when my least favorite guard, Randal, came up behind me and just hovered there. I was uncomfortable about it and it was making me worry but I wasn't going to let him know that he made me uncomfortable so I continued on. I thought that he left and so I continued on, but then he was right above me, grabbed my bin that I was putting the shoes in and dumped them all on the floor. "YOU"RE DOING IT WRONG!" he yelled, clearly trying to intimidate me, it was working. We are not supposed to talk, touch, or look the officers in the eye. I kept my head down, eyes staring at my shoes, and I was silent. I knew this routine all too well. "DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!! START OVER!!!" I don't know where it came from but I got a spurt of bravery and acted on it without thinking. "No, they are correct. The laces go over, you get a better fit that way, ya twat! You'd think you'd know how YOUR boots go!" as soon as it left my mouth, I regretted it. I was not intending to talk that much, or that loud, or to glare into his eyes as I said it. He looked to his partner with a nod and sent him off to get one of their superiors. "you're going to regret that little girl" he hissed to me with a large smirk plastered to his face.

In about ten minutes the head of Thurmond walked in and just stood there. With a shallow jerk of the head up and down quickly, two other guards ran up behind me and snatched my arms, and took zip ties to my wrists and held me there. Then, the man who started this all took out his baton. With a glance up I saw the head give a nod of approval, right after I felt a hard blow to my stomach. WHAM!! and my back, WACK!! and my head, CRACK!! and my right leg. I was crumpled at the ground awaiting the next blow when the head said a firm, "stop". I lift my head only enough to catch what they are intending next when it was kicked by Randal as he walked up the steps to speak with the head. It was then that I was just about the claw my eardrums out, they had put on the calm control. Everyone around me was on the ground clutching their heads at the ears. After they turned it off and I was aware of my surroundings again I noticed that my zip ties were melted off.

[end of flashback]

They had me sleep in the dog pens that night. That was also when I decided, I was getting out.

A/N: again, sorry this is so short and I am sorry that I suck at writing and I may not be totally consistent on my style but I hope to get feedback on it soon. 

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