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Chioma's POV

For the umpteenth time, I check the time and compare it to the brightness of the day, which is obvious from the window by our right or well his right hand and my left hand.

You see I'm lying, my back to the sky, resting on solid chest and uhhmmm, too soft a stomach, the perfect tease topic I've frequently used as a comeback for his " How'd you get stuck with such big teeth? I fear the day you'll get too into my kids and Bite my lips off"

Yea. I know, harsh. Sniffs. But I don't go soft on him either.

"What's the time?" Mikaila asks, taking the phone from my hand and dropping it far away. I smile, I know. No phones stealing the short time we got together. Yes love, I know.

"Twenty four minutes past two. It's getting late."

"What? But you only got here minutes ago"

"I know" Has it been up to minutes? It seemed like seconds!

"It's not late na, I was looking forward to two hours at least with you."

I look away from his pleading face and set my concentration on a loose thread in his collar.

If I left now, I could tell mom I ran into a friend at the junction and just did a quickie visit to say hello to his sister who was my schoolmate in secondary school, no, the old woman would probably ask mom what school I went and tell her I lied, I could just say I strolled with a friend, took a glass of water at his home and walked off, back to school, safe and sound.

I tug at the thread.

What would her reaction be if I told her straight up. Mom, I dropped by my boyfriend's and no, we don't do anything you won't like, except kiss and just lie by each other in his room, a mess of limbs and arms.

Never. She'll just murder me, then wake me up and repeat the act again.

"You'll pull my whole collar off" I chuckle and withdraw my hand but he holds unto to it and wraps it around him.

"What you thinking about?" I smile. About how I don't wanna think of anything but live in this moment and relive it. With you.

His eyes are so intense. Too much feelings love. Too much.

I stroke his non existent beard, another tease topic for me, but he doesn't laugh or push my hand away. He's just staring, staring at me. I wonder if my siblings left any particle of biscuits on my hair or if the pimple on my face has gotten bigger.

"I love you"

I smile and roll off to my phone.
How does he get to do it, shows everything with his eyes, tells everything with his lips, doesn't hold back for a sec.

I pick my phone and drop it back on the bed. How could I say I love you, looking into his eyes, letting him see the intensity I struggle to conceal and not choke on the words or drown in these emotions?

How do I get lost in this feeling and forget about the 16 missed calls my mom has given me.

I look back at him.

"Tell... "

"My mom has been calling me" I'm scared he's gonna ask if I don't love him or to tell him I love him. " 16 missed calls now".

"'Jeez!..." He sits up. The moment is lost. "But your phone hasn't rang"

"Yea. I put it on silence"

"She'll be very worried. Call her back, let her know you're safe. You know how mother's can... "

"Shhhh" I place a finger on my lips and pick the 17th call.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2019 ⏰

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