Chapter 4

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The next morning her mother went to check on her.She was supposed to go have breakfast with her and when she didn't show up,she knew something was wrong. When she walked inside it was dead silent.Almost too silent."Courtney……Courtney"She called her name repeatedly.Then she walked into the kitchen.She saw her dead daughter laying on the floor.The broken bottle in her hand.She put a hand over her mouth and started crying.She couldn't bring herself to even move.She just stared at her daughters lifeless body on the floor.She was so limp,so quiet.She thought of all the happy memories she had with her.All the times she had made her smile.The laughs she had shared with her.Finally she called funeral home.They came and took her body away.Courtney's mom spent the rest of the day cleaning blood off the floor,walls, and ceiling.She found the note that was laying on the counter.She couldn't bring herself to read it.She stuffed it in her pocket and kept cleaning.

Courtney's funeral was later on that week.All of her family came to the funeral.Duncans mother came as well.She was the only one there who knew what it was like to lose their child."I can't believe she did this"said Courtney's mother in tears.Duncan's mom tried to be as simpathetic as possible but she knew that no matter how much she comforted her she couldn't make her feel better.I mean she had just lost her child.She knew how she felt.She remembered that bottomless feeling in her heart.The pain of having to look at her child in a casket.Duncan's mother put her arm around Courtney's mom."I know it's hard.But I think I know why she might've done it"Duncan's mother said.Courtney's mother gave her a confused look."What do you mean ?"She sighed,"Well…..I mean you know how much she loved him.He was her whole world.And after he committed suicide……"She paused."So you think she did this because of Duncan ?"Duncan's mom looked away."It is a possibility."Courtney's mother was about to say something but the funeral was starting.About 30 mintues later it was time to go to the cemetary.As they pulled up to the spot where she was being buried,Duncan's mother noticed that this all seemed to familiar.She realized that the willow tree that she was being buried under was the exact same one that she had watched her son be buried in a year earlier.As they all said their prayers and started to leave,Courtney's mother pulled the note from her coat pocket.Wrapped inside the note was the picture of Duncan that Courtney had been holding when her mother found her.It had a spot of blood on it.She pulled out the note and read it.

"To whoever might be reading this…..I loved him too much.I couldn't take the pain of knowing that the only reason this happened to him was because of me.So in his favor, I took my own life.I couldn't live with myself knowing that I had not gotten what I deserved.For a year I got no sleep.There were nights that I just wanted to see him again, feel him hug me tightly, and hear him call me princess like he always used to.I couldn't go another day without him.I had to see him again.This was the only way.I'm sorry - Signed, Courtney Taint"

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