Excerpt :)

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FAIR WARNING!! This book is kind of going under a lot of editing, but you are still welcome to read it. The updates aren't too drastic to the point where you have to re-read everything cause let's be honest that would get annoying as hell lmao

But sit back and enjoy the book and please keep all hands and feet inside the ride at all times, enjoy :)

"What's your name, Lilac?" he curiously asks, meeting my purple eyes once more. Slowly shifting between them, as if he's trying to flip through my every thought.

Lilac? What kind of cringy romance pet name is that supposed to be, or even mean for that matter?

I teasingly glance down at his parted lips, and then lick my own, "Not interested", with an unnecessary eye roll.

He playfully laughed, dropping his head before lifting it back up to stare down at me once again, as his buddies chuckled and stood closer.

"You know, if your temper was as short as your dick probably is, then we would get along just fine" I smile, brushing my hand across his forehead, collecting his hair to one side.

"You can ask half the girls in this school on how false your little statement is, babe" he smirks, catching his bottom lip with his teeth, as he sized me up.

"Okay? Good for you. If someone has any questions about STDs I'll direct them your way" I disgustingly curl my lip.

If this is one of his lines from his secret book of pickups, it would have to be because of his god-like features, because if not...those girls have some explaining to do.

He chuckles, "Okay babe, you do that, but whenever you decide to let go of all that pent up aggression, you know where to find me" he suggestively winks, tracing a finger behind my ear.

"Thanks for the offer, but like I said before-", I look him up and down, "I'm not interested", with a tight-lipped smile.

"And for the record", I snap leaning towards him on my tippy-toes so close that our noses are almost touching. That I can feel his minty breath fanning my cheeks. The feeling of his hands ghosting the skin exposed on my hips, and the leisure footsteps of the student's as they slow down to gawk at what's going on around them echo in my pierced ears. "Being a dick, won't make yours any bigger, babe", I snarl, pushing him away.

A patronizing smirk grows across his face, and the sound of his knuckles cracking sends familiar chills down my spine. Oh no. His honey orbs peering down into mine, flashing with stories that will never be told, as his fist rises up in slow motion. Like in those old eighties movies. I swear I'm like a magnet for these types. The narcissistic, overflowing testosterone, alpha male type. As if someone pressed the resume play button on the remote control, his fist flew at me at lightning speed, but instead of it meeting my face, it caressed the locker next to me. The sound makes me weak in the knees, and not in the good way. My heart hammers in my chest, and it aches as I try to suppress it from causing the familiar feeling of a panic attack to ram through me.

I then let out a shaky breath, and glanced wide-eyed up at him in shock. Why didn't he just hit me?

He leaned down once again, his soft plump lips grazing the crown of my ear, "The names Sawyer Walker, sweetheart".


Loyal Bailey has accepted her undeniable fate, as she carries a treacherous past no one knows about on her beaten shoulders. The pain her heart has held, the scars that litter not only her body but her mind, and the secrets that writhe on the tip of her tongue, but will never be told. She's been used, broken, stitched back together countless times, but you wouldn't be able to tell by just looking at her. She's an artist, she's dangerous and she's quick-witted. One of her biggest secrets are her numerous insecurities, like having intense panic attacks, but how long can she really hide them for?

Especially after meeting four notorious bad boys.

Sawyer Walker is supposedly the leader of the schools' blatant bad boys, and rumored to be in a gang. And a very powerful one at that. He follows his own set of rules, which literally translates to following none. He was what parents told their kids not to become. He's a tyrant and a delinquent, but everyone has their reasons and their pasts that make them who they are.

Most fear being in his presence, but what happens when Loyal surprisingly isn't? How does Sawyer handle not being feared?

What happens when they unfold her life, and discover every scar she tried to heal, only to rip them open again? How will they react when Loyal's true identity is sought out, and their lives all finally click?

Now as cliche as this is about to sound, we all know that the screwed up girl always falls for the bad boy, right?

The only question that's left without an obvious answer is, which one?

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-contains swearing

-triggering subjects


Word Count: 868

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