The Mob

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 Etienne stayed at Milo's for several days before Harken finally showed up. He didn't show up alone though.

Etienne felt the unrestful presence before she even heard the crowd. When she did finally physically see them, she jumped into action.

"My child go hide," She stated.


"No time for words you mustn't let your father see you here."

"And what about you?"

"I'm going to get them to leave. They won't be able to find Milo and they'll leave after that."

Marisol looked at her a moment doubting her statement but nevertheless took off to hide once she pushed him away from the hug.

Etienne took a deep breath and walked to the door debating whether hiding herself was wise. It would be several hours before Milo would awaken to help her.

The beating on the door scared her and a male voice demanded the monster to come outside.

Etienne opened the door greeting the group. The crowd silenced as she did so. She spotted Harken who looked like he had been drinking again.

"Where is the monster who holds you captive?" One of the townsmen questioned.

"The only monster trying to hold me captive is the one that stands beside you on your quest: Harken _______."

"Lies!" Harken shouted spit flying from his mouth.

"And what about the lies you have been spreading? No monster lives beyond those doors. Just a lonely soul who wishes for his solace and nothing more."

"Then why does he not come out and defend himself?" Another shouted.

"It's because he cannot see the light of day like a true monster!" Harken shouted. "I have seen him move at such speeds that should not be possible, flesh cold to the touch, and eyes that can see right into the soul to steal it. That is what has happened to my beloved wife. He has stolen her soul and now she possesses powers unnatural to this world!"

Two men rushed forward seizing Etienne despite her best efforts to get away.

"Be weary men she possesses the ability to take the life right from your body. She did it to me before she fled here. We must find the beast to kill him and possibly save my beautiful bride."

"No!" Etienne cried out. "Leave us alone we have done nothing wrong!"

"You have taken my child from me and you call that no transgression?"

Etienne stared at Harken, the love she had once felt all but dissolving to nothing but pain and hate at the moment.

"His is my child Harken!" Etienne snapped struggling though her efforts against the men were futile she wasn't giving up. "And if you lay a hand on him, you'll know the true meaning of a monster then."

"Hear her threats against her own husband. This is not the woman I married," he used the statement to rally his troops the mob too filled with hate to realize they were being used.

"I'm still the same woman. It's you who is a shell of the man that I married."

"Search the house for my son and for the monster."

The crowd rushed forward bursting into the house and breaking off. In the hast Etienne was freed from the grips of the men.

"No!" Etienne screamed as the men invaded the house. When she turned back around Harken slammed a fist into her face sending everything to blackness.

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