Chapter 7 all days work and whole life about me

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"so nomi before you do before you're massacre" randy said wile nomi is driving his car "well let's see what I'm doing before my massacre to those mobster" nomi said while driving his car to randy house

Nomi flashback (afternoon)

The apartment phone ring and nomi pick the phone "hello who is this ?" nomi said on the phone

"it's me the guy deliver ninja mask and you" the man said

"oh it's you Charlie what's going on and why you call me" nomi said to Charlie on the phone

"listen nomi you gonna help me mate" he said

"ok I will help and what the problem" nomi said

"it's about the file and all ancient book you and me use" he said

"ok you are the ninja watcher where I'm gonna meet you" nomi said

"norrisvile storage facility" he said

"ok Charlie" nomi bring his hockey mask and wear same cloth what he do in the night club and ride his car

Norisvile storage facility

"ok I'm here" nomi said to Charlie

"I know you will help me now c'mon help me with my problem" nomi follow Charlie to his storage

"ok what the problem chalie" nomi said while they walking

"well you know file, ancient book and my family stuff" he said

"well ok how's you're brother bain" nomi said

"well like always guide his friend to get lot of cash form bank, museum and another secret place" he said

"I know you're brother, you guys a watcher one is for my student and one is for heister or robber" nomi said

"I know nomi hey do you remember meet me first time" Charlie said

"well I meet you in 1895 in local salon and you are young, drunk want to help people so I give you a immortal job to this present" nomi said

"I know nomi I became immortal make a family, alliance and find next ninja" he said

"well we are a boomer" nomi said

"boomer ?" he said

"boomer that millennial, people said in internet name calling for old people" nomi said

"but you are teen nomi" he said

"I know I am a teen but I'm on this earth for 10.000 year and trap in the book for 800 year I miss a lot for 800 year chal" nomi said

"I know, I know well there it is our storage b19" he said

"why our storage ? " nomi said

"well it because you keep you're old stuff in here and I always take care of it" he said

"oh ok" nomi said and charlie open the storage door

"well let's find what I looking for" he said

"what you looking Charlie" nomi said

"I'm looking for 2 book bombnomicon and necronomicon" he said

"bombnomicon is for turn people into bomb, magic explosion spell well necronomicon is for summoning demon form underworld, hell and knowleg of evil" nomi said

"I know nomi well you are the ninja nomicon" he said

"hey I'm trap in the book by a evil wizard" nomi said

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2019 ⏰

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