When You Accidentally Jump On Him

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Scorpion (Hanzo Hasashi):

You waited outside the front door for Hanzo to come to his door. You used the chair he had on his veranda and placed it beside the door to use when you jump out and scare him. Your giggles were muffled by the demonic mask you wore on your face. You knocked again, hearing his footsteps hurrying to the door.

"This is going to be perfect," You mutter to yourself excitedly.

The door opened, and you held your breath.

"Did I get ding dong ditched again?" Hanzo asked himself.

This was it, you stood on the edge of the chair and was just about to jump when the chair tipped. You wobbled, your scream muffled as you began to fall onto the ground. But, at that moment Hanzo stepped out of his house. He barely was able to react before you collided with him and you both collapsed to the ground in a heap of tangled limbs and shrieks.

"Ouch..." Hanzo muttered.

Sub-Zero (Kuai Liang):

You had just come home from a day of work/school and was happy to finally rest. The moment you closed the door you stripped off your shirt, shoes and tossed your heavy bag onto the floor beside your couch. You sighed in bliss, launching yourself onto your comfortable couch. The moment your butt hit something other than your soft cushion your heart stopped.

"AHH!" Kuai yelled in panic as he sat up from his nap.

You screamed in shock, jumping in surprise and landing face first onto the hard floor.

"Oh, when did you get home?" Kuai said casually while watching you groan in pain on the floor.

Liu Kang:

Let's just say when you're in a rush, trying to run down the stairs in heels doesn't work well... You missed a step and now, well...

Now you both were laying in a tangled heap at the bottom of the stairs.

Smoke (Thomas Vrbada):

You were in the kitchen making yourself a hot beverage to help you make it through the cool weather. You carefully picked up the hot beverage and began to walk, slowly step by step towards the loungeroom where Thomas was picking a movie to watch. You headed into the loungeroom, concentrating hard on the steaming hot beverage in your hands. You looked up for a second to see Thomas sitting on the floor at the coffee table contemplating whether to watch (favourite movie 1) or (favourite movie 2). You felt your foot snag the carpet on your floor and you inhaled deeply in panic. Trying to save your drink you stumbled forward, spilling the hot contents onto Thomas who curled up in a ball and shrieked. You couldn't stop yourself and eventually ended up tripping over him and onto your face in the carpet.

Noob Saibot (Bi Han):

"(Y/N)?" Noob coed, "Where are youuuu?"

You held in a snicker as you held yourself up above him, against the roof ninja like. You pressed your hands and legs against the walls of both sides of your hallway, your muscles burned but it was worth it. He spun around quickly, ready to see if he'd catch your trying to sneak up on him. His face fell into a frown when you were no where to be seen. He walked forward, confusion causing his eyebrow to twitch.

"Where the hell is she?" He mumbled to himself.

He began walking under you, at this point your muscles were beginning to twitch. You thought you'd be able to hold yourself until he passed, but that wasn't the case. Your foot slipped off the wall and you lost your balance and fell almost completely starfished on top of Noob.

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