Your First Date

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SCORPION (Hanzo Hasashi):
Hanzo practically spoiled to on your first date. No matter how many times your insisted he always bought you something. Your favourite lollies, a balloon of your favourite animal, different show bags and food. You decided to be nice and in the middle of the second half of the show you excused yourself to go the toilet.
In fact, you found it absolutely adorable when you returned and saw his blushed face and saw how flustered he became.
You had bought a different variety of glowing object, a balloon of a scorpion and three show bags.
You gave them to him and sat down beside him, "Do you like it?"
He was still a little flushed and smiled, "Of course I do."
For the rest of the show you sat curled up against him with his arm around you.

SUB-ZERO (Kuai Liang):
You and Kuai had an absolute blast at the show. You ran from ride to ride, going on the most extreme ones more than others. By the end of the marathon of rides you and Kuai sat in line waiting for the Ferris Wheel and reminiscing over the fun you had. You were both talking and trying to scoff down a Dagwood dog at the exact same time so to everyone around you, you looked extremely weird.

"I can't believe you elbowed that guy on the haunted house," Kuai chuckled while taking a bite out of his Dagwood dog.
"Hey, it was an accident, plus it was his fault he grabbed my shoulder," You said through mouthfuls, "Anyway, it's not as bad as you trying to run away at the start."
"I was not trying to run away, I was just flinching and I happened to hit my knee on the bar," Kuai said matter-of-fact.
You were called up and you gave your ticket to the lady and got in the carriage. Almost as you guys began to rise to the top, the fireworks began and you stopped on the perfect angle at the top.
You leaned against his shoulder. Sub-Zero reached for your hand, you didn't make a move to pull you hand away, so he gently entwined his fingers with yours.

You and Liu laid on the bonnet of Liu's car. You both had thick blankets to lay on and a pillow for you head. You were watching (Y/F/M) and you were surprised to find that Liu enjoyed it as well. He seemed to laugh at everything you laughed at. You supposed he just has the same sense of humour as you.
You looked over to see that you both weren't actually that far apart at all. You looked at the movie and out of the corner of your eye you saw Liu slowly inch his way closer to you.
You smirked, 'That little devil...'
You chuckled, if he wanted to get close to you he could've just asked. You turned onto your side and threw your pillow at him. He grabbed it instinctively, but while he was distracted you laid your head on his chest and curled up close.
He tensed for a second and instantly gave a short laugh, "You had my plan all figured out."
You shrugged, "It wasn't that hard to figure out."
He wrapped his arm around you and placed your pillow under his head, "Sure sure."

SMOKE (Tomas Vrbada):
So far you and Tomas were winning the Couples Competitions. As far as you know at least. You both won the egg and spoon races. You were surprised to see Thomas had great reflexes and balance. You were 50/50 and just made it over the finish line when the egg fell from your spoon. The three legged race was a bit harder but you still won, the only thing slowing the both of you down was that you both were laughing to much to care. There were also other fun activities there but they also had the same outcome.
Anyway, the last competition of the day was a trivia. Each partner had to write down the answers to question and the Questionnaire will ask one of the partners each question about their partner, if they get it right they get a point.
You and Tomas were first to be questioned.
The Questionnaire stopped after each sentence to add some kind of drama, "Tomas, without looking at your partner, what colour are their eyes?"
"That's easy, (E/C)," Smoke shrugged.
The Questionnaire turned to you, "(Y/N), without looking at your partner, what colour are their eyes?"
You shrugged to, "Silver-grey."
The Questionnaire continued on like this long until the next couple. In the end, you guys lost by 2 point but still took home a little trophy.
Tomas turned to you as you both walked to Tomas's car, "I didn't know your favourite movie was (F/M)."
You turned to Tomas, "I didn't know you knew so many fighting styles."
You both continued talking for what felt like ages about things you found you still didn't know about each other.

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