You Meet Again

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  SCORPION (Hanzo Hasashi):
You had to walk home again, believe it or not. To admit, you weren't feeling all up to it. You could get a taxi and give them the money when you got home, but you thought of it as stupid because you'd be paying for less than 5 minutes trip.
You were the last one left in the cafe, so you had to clean and lock up.
You grabbed you bag and headed out the door and turned to lock it. When you turned around you jumped as someone was standing right behind you. They flinched, obviously startled.
"Sorry, didn't mean to startle you."
That voice... You looked up and realised it was the man from the night before. In the moon light his features looked flawless and almost dreamy.
"N-No! It's okay, what are you doing here?" You stuttered, trying to make it seem like you weren't staring a few minutes ago.
"Actually, I was passing by to go home and you just happened to be leaving as I was passing by."
You nodded, "Understandable."
You both stood for a few seconds of awkward silence.
"Oh, umm, I'm (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N). Thank you, again, for saving my life the other night," You extended a hand to shake.
He took it and nodded, "You're welcome. I'm Hanzo Hasashi."
"I like that name," You commented unconsciously
"I like yours as well, (Y/N)."
"Oh... T-Thank you."
You both realised your hands were still clamped and let go rather quickly.
Scorpion cleared his throat, "Shall I walk you home safely?"
"That would be much appreciated."

SUB-ZERO (Kuai Liang):
He did, in fact, show up at exactly 8:00. You showed up earlier so you could set things up. So far, you had a bucket of dried ice and a whole bunch of different things to try and freeze them.
At the moment, your friend was running late, so the only thing you and the guy could do was communicate with awkwardness.
"So... Uh... How was your day so far?" You asked shyly.
"Good... Good... How was yours?"
"Fine, except I slipped in toothpaste in the bathroom this morning."
He chuckled, "Crazy..."
You giggled softly, his husky chuckle bringing goosebumps to your skin.
He turned to you and extended his hand to shake, "I'm Kuai Liang, by the way. Who might you be?"
You took his hand and shook for a moment then stopped, rather quickly, "I'm (F/N) (L/N), nice to meet you Kuai."
You looked away again in silence. You wondered about his strange name. You picked up a banana and put it in the dried ice.
You watched as it began to freeze up. Sub-Zero moved so quickly that it startled you. He grabbed the banana and pegged it at the ground. It shattered instantly. You laughed though.
"I'M HERE!" Your friend called, coming out of nowhere, "What are you doing?"
"Oh, you know," Sub-Zero said casually, "Breaking Banana's."
"Ooo~, sound kinky~"

You were back again and kicking ass! So many people were getting their ass handed to them and you felt VICTORIOUS!
Well, that's how you imagined it to happen....
In reality, it was you who had your ass handed and your butt was getting sore from all the butt kicking.
Today was not your day...
The guy who gave you fighting advice the day before was set to fight you and you suddenly felt your stomach drop to your boots.
You were right to feel stupid to, because you hadn't hit him once and you were being dropped like crazy.
When break came around, you were so happy! You refreshed yourself and waited for the break to finish when someone sat beside you.
You were surprised to see it was the guy.
"Hey, you okay?" He asked politely.
"Yeah, I'm sore but okay," You replied.
He hit your shoulder playfully, "Practice makes perfect, you'll get better."
You smiled, "I hope so."
"My name's Lui Kang, nice to meet (Y/N)."
He got up as break finished and you got up after your slight confusion, "How did you know my name?"
He walked away and called over his shoulder, "It's says so on your water bottle."
"Oh... So it does..."

SMOKE (Thomas Vrbada):
You decided to go fishing with your friends. Not that you had much choice, your guy friend just walked up, grabbed your hand and said, "We're going fishing."
That was your friends, always surprising you with something fun to do (If you don't like fishing them I'm sorry.) At the moment you were using just a line and hook because you didn't have your fishing rod. So far you caught seaweed and a toad fish. Nothing fancy, but you were having great laughs. You ran out of bait so you went for a walk to go buy more.
On your way back you ran into a certain someone with fire wood.
"Sorry!" You both said in unison.
You realised it was the man form yesterday, "Oh, hi-hello... Uh, again..." You stuttered.
He seemed to recognise you as well and bowed his head, "Good evening to you... uhmm...?"
"(Y/N), my names (Y/N)."
"What a beautiful name. My names Thomas. My friends nicknamed me Smoke."
You chuckled, "Under the circumstances of how we met, it's quite an ironic name to have."
He looked at the bait in your hands, "Fishing? Catch anything?"
"Yeah. Seaweed and a toad fish. Would you like to join us?"
"Um... Okay. Be warned, I've never fished before..."
"Don't worry, I'll teach you!"

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