Part 2: Cave of Legend

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Chapter 11:

"Our only hope is to rescue Red!" Jay cried. "Then if we don't escape, at least we would have achieved something."

"The obvious question is, how?" Jim inquired.

The triplets had been camping out around the lab, being almost impossibly stealthy throughout, and making sure no one, or no pig, saw them. A guard was marching by, and the three quickly dodged out of sight, but Jim stepped on a twig. 

"Hey!" Jack whispered, annoyed. The security guard started coming over and the group rushed hastily under a bush.

"Isn't this camping?" Jay joked.

"What?" Jim asked.

"The guard is coming!" They all whispered at once.

After talking together, they decided on a plan

Once the guard was gone, Jay shifted into phase one. "Okay Jim, since your the clumsy one, keep watch. If anything happens, just tap on this metal tube. And Jack, your coming with me."

"Didn't we go over this two minutes ago?" Jack whined.

"Got it! And good luck!" Jim chirped. As Jay looked back, he gave a salute, and wondered if he would ever see Jim again.

Chapter 11:

"Do you hear that, Eric?" Bacon Junior probed. "While you dawdled, I invented the porkophone." To Bacon Juniors satisfaction, this annoyed Eric Le Bacon very much. The one thing Bacon Junior wanted was to out-do him, and be given an honorable position next to the king. He would do anything...

"Hey underling, go check out the noise in the serum-testing lab." Eric Le Bacon snapped.

Bacon Junior wasn't expecting much, probably just a leak from Eric's poorly designed serum tank. What he saw was completely unexpected. Two young blue birds, frozen by fear, in the middle of unhinging the Red Bird's cage. Bacon Junior was delighted. It was as if his opportunity had fallen right into his hands.

He thought about turning them in, to Stalker Piggy, but that would only raise him marginally in the King's eyes, and it wouldn't ruin Eric Le Bacon's career. No... he had a better idea. "Okay little birds. Let's make a deal." Bacon Junior offered, with an evil glint in his eye.

Chapter 12:

"Okay, young thieves. If you promise to sabotage Eric Le Bacon's inventions," Bacon Junior gestured to the pig serum, double lollipop holder (ALPHA 1.8.9), dura-steel, and the Ultra Scope. "Using my clear instructions, of course, I will let you live." He enjoyed the disappointed and sad look on their faces. "Oh, and your pathetic friend." He sneered.

Two days later:

"Okay guys, it's time for our first sabotagey- thing!" Jay exclaimed.

"On my planet, we call it a mission." Jack teased.

The note read: Put a light coating of vinegar on the 'dura'-steel. I know it may sound ridiculous, but because of the molecular composition of dura-steel, it will cause it to crumble when an external force exerts pressure on it. i.e, the King's hand... the note also had details referring to how they would sabotage the other inventions, besides the Pig Serum

"Sounds easy enough." Jim commented "But we don't know why that snooty Pig is doing this."

"Do you want to get turned into mystery meat?" Jay warned.

"No." Jim replied, as he opened the box that the final model of dura-steel was in, coating it in a transparent vinegar. "Plus, all we have to do is sabotage these inventions before tomorrow, and then we get Red, return home 800 miles away and BOOM! Life complete!"

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