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Nikki & Randy:
"Hey babe" Randy greeted Nikki as her appeared on her phone. She waves at him,"Hi Randy."
"How are you?" He asked her. She looked down, "Alright, Raw is fairly quiet. I need to ask you something."
" Ask away" he says. Nikki looked down at floor then up again "Are you cheating on me?"  Randy looked shocked, "Why on earth would you say that?"
"Because you're away on Smackdown so that it wouldn't be hard Randy." She admitted. Randy couldn't help but laugh, "How many times that I have to tell you this Nikki! I love you I don't need anyone else."
"But say you did-" Nikki began before Randy cut her off. "Until you can accept that I'm not cheating on you then we are through." He says walking off.

Roman & Brie:
It was midnight and well into the hours of Sunday before Wrestlemania. Brie were laying awake in their hotel room waiting for Roman who had gone out with his shield friend and The Usos. 6, 4 hours  ago. Despite the reassuring texts from Nikki and Nattie that he had one to many drinks, which probably staying over at Dean- she couldn't help but to dread something was wrong. Few moments later, Roman stumbled through the door clearly drunk.
"Rome?" She called out as she padded into the lounge. He staggered around to look at her, "What Brie?" "You're drunk Roman! Get some rest before Wrestlemania," she said softly.
Roman rolled his eyes "I'll do what I like thank you very much."
Brie sighed at her drunken mess of a boyfriend so she reached out to his arm and pulling him towards the bed. He retaliated by pulling his arm and striking her across the face. Brie fell back on the floor in shock looking up at Roman. Not wanting to be there a minute more, she got up, grabbed her phone and suitcase before leaving to find her sister.

Finn & Bayley:
"Hey Finn, how is everything?" Bayley greeted her boyfriend after he picked her call. There's a sigh down the phone, "Carmella is talking sh*t about you." He said. "Let her do it, she jealous that she stuck in Smackdown," Finn brushed it off as always.
"When will I see you again? It seems like ages since I saw you." Bayley says. " I know babe but I don't think I be back in California until next month, even then I've got Raw and you got Smackdown," Finn explain.
Bayley groaned, "Surely you can get few days off to see me? " I wish I could Finn but it isn't simple, they want me to go for the Smackdown Women's Champion so I need to be training every spare time I have plus Shane had put me in a storyline, " Bayley said sadly.
  Finn let out a sigh, "You know how hard it is for me having you away from me all the time?" "And you think it isn't hard on me? "  Bayley questioned. Bayley felt him rolled his eyes, "I know it is but you're the one on Smackdown doing whatever the hell you want."
  "Don't take it the wrong way Finn! I have work my ass off every day of career to get here so I'm sorry if can't get any days off! My schedule is as repacked as yours."  She said before hanging up the phone.

Dean & Renee:
" I DIDN'T KISS HIM! Renee shouted frustrated. "Bullsh*t" Dean shouted back. "Obviously you don't because I didn't kiss him!" Renee replied. He shakes his head and tears fell from her eyes. "You lied." He tells her.

Seth & Sasha:
"Do you still love her?" Sasha asked him. " Yes" he replies. She began to cry and put her head in her hands. "Why? Why would you lead me on?" She asked him. " I didn't. I really do love you... It just we-" Sasha cut him off, "Yeah I get it." She tells him
   " I'm sorry. I didn't think that she would do this." He says." Forget it Seth. It's done. We're done.

AJ Lee & AJ Styles:
"Did you sleep with her?" AJ asked him tears falling down. "Yes" he replied.
AJ sob and wrapped your hands around yourself. "Sh*t babe, I'm sorry." He said reaching for her. " Don't touch me AJ. We're done" she tells him. " No AJ don't do that." He said. " No you shouldn't have cheating on me."  She says.

Cm Punk Becky:
" Becky please.." He says. "No Phil. I can't believe you slept with her!" She said pushing him. " It was a fucking mistake!" He said. " Yeah sure it was! What did she seduce into bed with her?" She asked him tears foaming.
" No. We went to a bar and I had one to many drinks and it happened." He says. She began to hit him but he grabbed her arms. "Becky calm down. Please..... Let me make it up to you?" He says. " You can't make it to Phil. Do you know how bad you hurt me" She asked him. Before he could answer she slapped him and left.

Charlotte and Daniel:
"Would you please just shut the hell up!"  Daniel said getting annoyed as he stood across the bedroom from Charlotte were standing, they had been yelling at each other for past two and half hours about silly things, but the fight had been building up for days. Small things had made them glare at each other and say insults each other but it never ended up yelling at each other.
"Get out Daniel, just go" Charlotte yells at him trying not to cry. Daniel looks at her before storming off slamming the door behind him.

Matt & Lita:
"You did flirt with him." Matt yells at her as they enter their home they shared together. "I didn't Matt" Lita says turning around to look at him, closing the door behind her. "You did Lita! Don't deny it! I saw you and him." He says, "You were imagining things!"  Matt spits out, "I wasn't" she says storming past him, slamming the door behind her. Matt stood there in silence.

Jeff & Trish:
"Admit it Jeff... You hate me, like everyone else does!"  Trish yells at him,  "I don't hate you Trish, I've told you this a hundred times!"  He yells back. "Don't lie to me" Trish says walking to him. "Just tell me the truth"  he said. "I already told you Trish, I don't hate you." Trish pushed him away stormed off.

Naomi & John:
"Stop throwing things at me!" John yells as Naomi yet throwing another cup at him, she ignored him and storms at the kitchen, he followed her and grabbed her wrist before she could get upstairs, "Why are you mad at me?" He ask, she pulled her wrist out of his grip and turns to him, "You know why John. You lied to me, you told me you were to tired to spend time together, but you weren't tired to out with your friends and get drunk!" She says before stormed out of the house.

Paige & Sami:
"You flirted with him, Paige!"  Sami yells at her as they sat in their car in front of Starbucks, "No I didn't, Sami I was being friendly." Paige said as she was starting the car she says raising her voice "Yes, because you should be telling him that he shouldn't be working in a mall and a male model is friendly." He says "It's true" she said. Before she could drive off, Sami had got the car, and slammed the door and walked off.

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