Chapter 7

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Sonia's POV

I exited Brent's house as I began walking back into the tree line path. I was never scared to walk at night. I never had a reason to be scared, I've lived on the country side of Virginia my whole life. After fifteen minutes passed by and I heard a leaf crunch from beside me as if someone stepped on a leaf on purpose, I was stopped in my tracks and flashes the lights everywhere to see if I saw someone but I didn't see anyone and thought maybe it was a Cat, raccoon or maybe a rabbit just roaming around or maybe even a deer.

I tried to shake off the uneasy feeling and kept on walking further. I knew I was getting closer to my house. Until I heard it, I heard running and I started running swinging the flashlight ahead of me so I would know where I was going until. I felt someone grab me and knocking me into the ground. They tried to Stab me with some kind of knife they had and with all my strength I kicked them and how I knew that this person was a man. I got up and stabbed him in the thigh causing him to scream in agony as I began running but he was able to catch me on time and stab my ankle causing me to scream in agony, falling to the ground.

I still managed to get up and run and luckily I shined my light ahead of so I would find a way back to Brent's house since it was the closest house to this path. I would've gone to Veronica's but no ones there. I started screaming so that at least someone would hear me.


Veronica's POV

Brent and I were kind of cuddled up watching some funny horror film now, comfortable enough until I heard something. I glanced up at him but he was so focused on the movie he didn't hear what I just heard, I heard it was screaming. I was really starting to think that I was going crazy but I felt Brent shift as he got up and stood still, he looked back at me with a concerned look on his face.

"You hear that too?? Not just me??" He asked pointing at me.

"Yeah do you thi-

"Let's go" He said grabbing my hand as he stepped into the kitchen digging through the drawer and pulled out a handgun.

We stepped outside and starting running into the dark. I knew part of me was telling me it was Sonia that was in trouble, we started yelling out for Sonia and heard her scream back for help. I was running behind Brent shining my phone light around just to see if she would come out of no where. He bumped into her saw that she was limping and was crying her eyes, stuttering so much we could not understand what she was trying to say. We didn't have, we helped her run back to the house, as we got into his Brent's house we helped her sit own carefully. I saw her ankle, it was bleeding so much. I saw Brent rush into the bathroom and then coming out with a first aid kit.

"I was a almost certified RNA I got this" I said as I put on some gloves. I gently grabbed her leg and gently rubbed alcohol on it. I felt bad every time she winced at the pain but luckily I did this quick wrapping a bandage over the wound and slowly rested her foot on the floor.

"Don't move it okay? It's a fresh wound and you don't want it getting infected" I said as I stood up. Brent got up looking at as if he was trying to say he's proud of me which was nice of him.

"I don't know what I would've done of if you weren't here Vero" Brent said calling me 'Vero' I didn't mind it. It was something everyone usually called me.

"I was thinking of going into the medical field but I dropped out of that but it came in handy...Sonia what the hell happened out there?" I asked looking at the back door into the dark night. I walked over to the back door and shut the curtains together so I wouldn't see the dark backyard

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