Chapter 12

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         Zander's POV

  I tried to opening the door to the cellar. I didn't hear anything from the other side of the door, I was starting to think that something happened to my sister. I was starting to think that whatever was in this house was getting rid of my family members one by one. I looked over to the living room to see Sonia trying to get from the floor coughing from the amount of force that was used to pull her and cause her to fall onto the table. I looked down the short hallway to see Brent on the floor groaning of pain. I saw his face he has cuts all over his face, he had a huge cut on his brow. I'm just glad he didn't lose an eye. I continued banging on the door but I'm assuming she got injured and was probably unconscious.

"Brent oh my god" I said as I rushed over to him to help me get up

"Shit" he winced in pain

I took his hand off his eyes as his huge cut near his eye. He could've lost his eye, he had was gushing blood. He could die from this much blood he's loosing. I helped get up and helped him get over to the couch and sat him down. I rushed over to Sonia as I helped her up and sat her on the couch. I rushed into the kitchen and grabbed the first aid kit from off the kitchen counter near the sink. I rushed back to the living room placing rubbing alcohol on the the cuts Sonia had on her legs and arms which weren't many, thank god. I was worried for Brent and I knew my sister would know how to fix this.

"Dude we need to get you stitches on that I don't k-

"Here let me do it..I've seen people on TV do this" Sonia said as she turned to Brent

"Sonia you have to be professional to do this" I said

"You're Right but I'll try to avoid the blood to come out" she said taking the first aid kit from off the table and taking out the equipment for the stitches

"Where's Vero?" Sonia asked looking around with a concern on her face

"She's in the basement I saw something drag her down here but the doors jammed" I said "I'll be back" I said as I stood up once again to go near the basement door pulling the door knob over and over in hopes that Veronica would open the door.

Pulling the door knob back and forth wasn't going to get my sister out of there. I looked towards the kitchen, I needed to get a knife or fork to get the door open. I rushed into the kitchen getting a knife and fork from the drawer and rushing back to the basement door. I was hoping this would work like it did in the movies, they made it look so easy. I jammed the knife into the key hole and nothing. I dropped the knife on the floor and picked the fork from out my pocket and jammed it into the key hole, nothing again. This was a lot more complicated that it needed to be. I sighed of frustration. I looked back at Sonia trying to put pressure on Brent's wound.

I know my sister is down there, I know she's alive. She must've fallen down and blacked out. If she was hurt I would've heard her yelling for help which comforted me oddly enough but on the back of my mind that silence made me think she could be...dead. I shook that scary thought away. I fell to my knees rubbing my eyes with my one trying to think of another way I can get down there. I stood up once and I walked back into the living room and saw that Sonia was actually putting the stitches on, not in a way a doctor would but at least the blood stopped. He was constantly wincing in pain, I don't blame him.

"I can't open the door, I know she's down there" I said sitting down as I bounced my leg rapidly

"How would you know? For all we know she could be hurt" Brent said as he was going his best to not since as much

"Think about it.. when you had that case thrown as your face you yelled out of's an human instinct. When my mom was being attacked she yelled for help, my dad did and Veronica didn't make a single sound..she has to be unconscious right now" I said

"You know what, he's right... we really need to get down there she could be seriously hurt" Sonia said as she eventually finished stitching up Brent's bet as she rubbed alcohol on it as he yelled out of pain

"Can we talk about what the hell just happened, I mean your parents are gone and we need to call the cops" Sonia said as she slowly got up to stand up on her own and lean against a wall

"They're just going to think we're crazy" I said. I shook my head in frustration

"Wha other choice do we have? Look at the cuts and bruises we have!! Your parents are missing Zander...just take a second to think about everything that's going on" Sonia said as she looked me in the eye..I could see pain in her eyes, the reality of everything was hitting me

"She's right.. we need to call the police..they won't throw prison..they don't have evidence against us" Brent said as he rubbed the stitch and winced as he could barley make out a sentence without sounding like he needed air

"Okay..I'll call" I said as I was about to head to get a gun that my father had given me before he died, my actual father. I heard something from the kitchen as if it was a knock, even Sonia and Brent turned their heads to look at me and looked towards the kitchen. We all stood there standing still as ice not knowing where to move to until I stepped closer to the kitchen and saw a man..he looked homeless, for all I know dangerous. He was standing at the back door looking inside but we wasn't moving. I couldn't see his face as it was all black.

Brent and Sonia came up from behind me and looked at the man as well. I saw something sticking out from behind the man. It was a medal object, like. a knife it just something that could easily kill someone. Sonia gasped as I was thinking she was scared or caught off guard.

"T-that's the man!" She yelled out as she pointed at him

Brent and I turned back to look at her when we heard glass shatter. He walked through the door. Brent starts backing away as Sonia didn't make a sudden move. I grabbed her by the arm as I tried to get her to run faster, I swung my hand around her waist to help her run faster. Brent ran into Veronica's room holding the door open for me and Sonia as we into the room slamming the door shut and locking it. Brent sat Sonia on my sisters bed as I looked through all her stuff to see if I could find any weapon of some kind. I came to find a pocket knife she used to carry around.

We backed away farther from the door as the man hadn't done anything yet. I didn't want to get my hopes up. We bumped into the dresser by the Veronica's bathroom. I pushed Sonia into the bathroom shushing her and telling her to stay in there and not come out until help gets here. I took out the knife as I was ready to charge if anything were to happen, the man now started banging on the door and yelling out profanities and just insanities that even to me and Brent didn't make sense. Brent took out his pocket knife as he was ready as well. The man punched his hands through the door, Brent and I looked at each other as we backed up more. The man made his arm towards the door knob as he twisted it open and barged in. He looked at both of us and he looked around the room as if he was searching for someone and we knew he was trying to figure out where we hid Sonia.

He came charging at me but missed when I was able to duck on time. I kicked him in the stomach causing him to stumble back. When I got a good look at his face he looked pretty young if he washed his face and cut off the beard but why go around trying to kill someone? I rushed towards him and stabbed him in the knee as he yelled in agony. The man still had a chance to swing at me across the face as I fell to the ground. I saw as Brent tried to swing the knife as him but the man moved out of the way. The guy was strong for a homeless guy. He threw a punch across Brent's face twice as he fell to the ground.

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