chapter 3

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"Good morning pigeon. Time to get up." Called Sabrina's father Fahad Abad. She loved him more than life itself and he loved her more. He always used to wake her up like that. He used to see her face first thing in the morning and believed doing that his day would go good.
Today Sabrina didn't want to open her eyes which were already glossy with tears cause she knew if she opened them her father would not be standing there looking at her. Cause he is resting in his own sleep never to get up.

Fahad had two shops of dry fruits. One of which his brother used to manage and one he used to manage. Though they had two different shops both brothers stayed in the same house which they shared with their families. Sabrina had an older brother who used to manage the shop with his father and had two younger cousins, her uncle's kids. They were well-off. Good food to eat , good moderate house to live, good clothes to wear and a loving family. Sabrina was loved by everyone for her simplicity and humble nature. No one never heard anything bad coming from her mouth. She was well protected by her father who tried his hardest to keep her innocence as long as possible. He only wished he would be able to find her a suitable man who would appreciate her and respect her. But unfortunately he could not stay long enough to see Sabrina get married.

Fahad had a brain stroke and was paralyzed. He was diabetic and his kidneys were giving up too. He struggled hard to recover but when the second stroke came he had lost the battle.

Sabrina had just finished high school and wanted to go to college and her father could not say no to the last request she made and agreed.

It was a struggle for the whole family to maintain everything. The expenses of Fahad's medical treatment put them in debt. And Fahad's brother Saad was trying really hard to maintain the two shops and two families with Taha, Sabrina's brother.

Today it's three months that her father had passed away. She did not want to leave the bed and just wanted to cry the whole day curled up in here. But seeing her like this her mother would be depressed so it was better to just go to college and cry out in some corner.

When Sabrina reached the college she found out that the owners were coming in. She didn't understand the excitement. Maybe she was just not in the mood.
There was an assembly where the owner would address the students and ask their opinions to betterment the establishment.
Sabrina thought she could just skip the assembly. She was walking down the empty hall towards the football field with her head held down when she bumped into someone and dropped her books. Without looking up she kneeled down to pick up her books. After picking up the books she looked up still kneeling. She saw a very intimidating man looking down at her. She was so scared she wanted to cry. He was staring at her like anytime now he would claw her and swallow her whole.
"Are you ok?" Asked a boy standing next to the man. They looked very similar but the boy looked younger and had a genuinely concerned look at his face.
Sabrina could not answer him so she just nodded and got up picking up the books and started to turn around to walk away when she felt a strong grip on her forearm. She turned to look and saw the man was griping her too strong, strong enough to leave a bruise.
"It is very rude to bump into someone and leave without apologizing" said the man with the most authoritative voice.
Sabrina was so afraid she already had tears running down from her light brown eyes. She was trembling under his touch. And with very little courage she had she apologized "I am sorry sir". Listening to her calling him sir the dominant in the man wanted to ravage her. His grip tightened on her arm and she hissed in pain. Just then the principal of the college came in the halls calling "Mr. Devonte." To which everyones attention went to him except the man's. He was still staring at the girl. "is everything alright?" Asked the principal to which the boy next the man said "everything is fine. My brother was just making sure the girl is ok from the fall."
Finally the grip around her arm loosened and taking that as an opportunity Sabrina freed herself and ran away. She left the college and walked home still trembling. She was never this afraid of anyone, ever. She did not want to meet him again ever. But she didn't know he had other plans.

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