Chapter 007: His Advent

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Jungkook looked around the library watchfully, his dark fringes covering his eyes as he skillfully heeded his surroundings. His thumbs slid across the screen masterly. He was playing two games, multitasking between the RPG play-off and the 'don't-get-caught' one with the clerk. 

He kept one eye on the game and the other out for the grumpy old lady as the match got heated. His fingers skidded faster, planning, aiming, shooting. He completely forgot reality, getting immersed into the high quality graphics, he hastened his moves. His rival being one strike away from loss, he was one strike away from winning.

Just one last punch, he thought, fingers controlled by adrenaline almost breaking through the little device in his hands.

Out of the blue, his phone fell ahead of him, his eyes widened at the match scores that laid on the desk.

'GAME OVER', it said.

The poor boy was caught by surprise at his head jolting forwards again, he quickly turned around, ready to throw a tantrum at the old lady that nudged him, she glared at him.

Jungkook huffed, he took his phone again and locked it, lips pouting and eyebrows furrowed at his loss. He would slam his hands across the desk every now and then in a childlike manner. Calming down took a while as he scanned his surroundings.

The library was buzzing as usual, hundreds of familiar faces going in and out, Jungkook recognized them all; the group of college students studying together, the couple who were only there to flirt, a few researchers looking up evidence against something he couldn't even pronounce, the kid having a mental crisis all year long,

And most of all, Haewon, the woman who went to the library on a daily basis. He took in her soothing aura to calm his raging storm. She looked too focused in a book he didn't remember seeing before. Haewon was unlike all the library regulars, she looked too at peace at such a cramped place, when everyone else was on edge, she was serene and that only intrigued him to stare more.

He was fascinated by the way she cherished those ink-filled papers. He was even more fascinated that he himself, worked at the library when at the very moment detested those tomes. If only it weren't for his need to make a living, he'd have been hanging out like all other normal teenagers did.

Jungkook knew Haewon had a kind heart, her little actions always spoke about her when she didn't, how she would greet him everyday when others either looked at him with disgust or ignored him or how she gave suggestions to read yet he never did.

She was simple, she was kind.

And she had a warm smile. Despite the curiosity that would eat him alive everyday, Jungkook never asked the reason behind her choice of reading, he was scared of doing so, he was scared her reasoning would be too heavy to carry alongside his own weights that were already bringing him down, breaking him down.

He was scared she would have similar troubles, similar fears and similar questions and he was even more afraid to answer them for he had yet to search, he had yet to search for how to stay pious in such a horrifying world, such a malicious world that he lived in where water was thicker than blood, thicker than his own blood.

For why would a lovable married woman search for love in books when she lived it everyday? That question turned to, was she loved everyday?

The young man decided to let her be, he didn't want to ruin the strong, passionate and noble image he had of her. He looked up to her and he wanted to keep doing so. He only wanted to look up to her.

She was too doused in whatever she was reading but something was different. It wasn't a new haircut or a new shade of lipstick she was wearing; it was in her eyes. She had a new fiery eyes, glinting with fire. He wanted to ask her-what was new? what had she found?- but he didn't, he kept it to himself, again.

As he finally stopped gazing at her concentrating form, he scanned the room once more to see a new face, just a few tables ahead of her sat a young handsome man, his features sharp and face clear. He sat facing her, a book in hand yet he wasn't reading it.

Jungkook felt defensive, he didn't know why but he knew there was something more of that man, he didn't know if he was just flirting or actually thinking of getting her number.

The said man sat quietly, his soft caramel hair grazing his forehead, a few millimeters above his auburn wood brown eyes. His skin was the same shade as the golden latte that sat on the table and his long slim fingers caressed the papers in his hands every now and then giving off the mirage of reading them.

Yet his piercing gaze seemed to only rest on another thing; Haewon. Her frames and soft bangs covering her spirited eyes and her hunched body made her lashes more prominent. He couldn't help but smile.

Beautiful, she was beautiful.

Feeling a set of eyes on him, the man turned his head to the right, glaring at the dark headed young clerk who was glowering back. They found themselves in a staring contest before the man smiled all of a sudden, taking the younger by surprise.

Jungkook flinched back before scowling at the stranger who flashed him a smile, the change of his aura from adoringly intimidating to innocent caught him off guard.

The man stood, spreading his height, he dusted off his long beige coat before heading towards Haewon. Jungkook got nervous, the man was weirding him out, he expected him to slither around and toy with her.

The closer the man got, the more relentlessness Jungkook's stare held. Pressing the pen cap a hundred several times at the man nearing Haewon, he felt the adrenaline flowing through him as his hormones erupted yet he was held back at the scene unfolding before him.

Haewon's heart skipped a beat when the chair in front of her was pulled, making a loud creak. Her head shot up, averting her gaze to the figure. The handsome man sat on the chair and set his coffee and book before him, looking her dead in the eye.

Shock was written all over her face at the unexpected visitor, he gave her an excited smile before speaking.

"Sorry to interrupt but I couldn't help but notice how beautifu-, I mean, how engrossed you were in your reading," he grinned.

Haewon fell speechless, she wanted to run away and hide from the stressing situation and she was even more surprised by his boldness when he held a hand out, his entire set of teeth showing as he smiled.

"I'm Taehyung, and you?"



FINALLYYY, this scene was rewritten 4 times in the past two days, I was worried it wouldn't match the level of the previous chapters hehe

anyway, cuz i got it a few times,

GUYS this is a kim taehyung book, just cuz he didnt show up yet DOESNT MEAN IT ISNT HIS

KTH, the writer, showed up in the second, third and sixths chapters



I want u to feel the oc before she met him, to grow with her

This book talks about a woman escaping an abusive relationship AND THATS WRITTEN IN THE DESCRIPTION so its normal to be centered on our oc cuz SHES THE ONE FACING TROUBLE 

BUT PLEASE rmmbr what the book is about, its not easy to write about abuse and the victim's mentality.

Also im sorry if the updates take long but my motto is quality before quantity :))

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