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👤 BY : Hamid Ahmed At Tahir

🗣️ TRANSLATED BY : Mufti Afzal Hoosein Elias R.A

🔢 POST : ❤️3❤️

The angels loved him because he worshipped Allah Ta'aala alot and fulfilled all the rights of worship. He prayed and fasted on time. He always remembered the poor and needy.

The people from every place loved Idris (AS) because of his great learning and worship. Every one said he was one of them. *The Egyptians call him Horus* and say that he was born at Memphis, the old capital of Egypt. They also said that he went to all the other countries and then went back to Egypt.

*The Jews call him Enoch.* They say that he was a Nabi who worshipped Allah Ta'aala alot. Allah Ta'aala loved him and lifted him to the sky. *The Greeks call him Hermes.* They regard him as one of their wisest ones.

All these prove that all the people of the world loved Idris (AS). This was because he taught them beneficial knowledge and how to worship Allah Ta'aala and perform Salah.

The Muslims love him because ALLAH told us that he was truthful and a Nabi. Rasulullaah (SAW) saw him in the fourth heaven when he went on the Isra and Mi'raj.


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