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👤 BY : Hamid Ahmed At Tahir

🗣️ TRANSLATED BY : Mufti Afzal Hoosein Elias R.A

🔢 POST : ❤️5❤️

Those stories which we are sure about him include:

1️⃣ Idris (AS) loved Allah Ta'aala. Everyday the angels would take up his good deeds to the Heavens. His deeds were equal to all the deeds
of the people of the world, of his time, put together. The angels loved him ALOT.

2️⃣ Idris (AS) was the first to write, the first to stotch clothing and the first to learn astronomy, mathematics and engineering.

3️⃣ He went around the world, teaching people proper worship and the beneficial knowledge which he had learned.

4️⃣ All the nations loved him, so much so that they all wanted to make him one of them.

Allah Ta'aala also loved His Nabi, who worshipped Him ALOT. Allah Ta'aala therefore gave him a high rank.

The people of the world loved him and spoke good about him. In Heaven, Allah Ta'aala raised his rank and made him near. This was the honour for Idris (AS).

Before Idris (AS) died he taught his son correct worship. He told him to believe in Allah Ta'aala and not disbelieve. He taught him all the beneficial knowledge he had learned before.*He ordered him to wage war against the sons of Qabil who worshipped idols and dis believed in Allah Ta'aala. Idris then passed into the mercy of Allah Ta'aala.


1️⃣ Worship Allah Ta'aala alone without any partners.

2️⃣ A believer makes an effort to learn beneficial knowledge and teach it to others.

3️⃣ A believer always remembers Allah Ta'aala even when he is working.

4️⃣ A believer loves all people and does good to them and they love him also.

5️⃣ Allah Ta'aala loves the believers and raises their ranks.

6️⃣ The angels love the believer when he does good deeds.

🤲 May Allah Ta'aala make us like Hazrat Idris (AS) in every way and raise OUR STATUS'S, ALSO, in this world and the Aakhirah. 🤲

🔚🔚 THE END 🔚🔚

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