Chapter 3

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After a jarring car ride, a lot of it with me telling Sevrin to "Slow down! Are you trying to kill us?!? Oh dear Satan!" While he laughed and told me to " lighten up", what the ever loving fuck does that mean? He was trying to kill us with his reckless driving!

Once we got to the apartment complex, I realized that our family must have money. The complex was fancy, in one of the richer areas of the city from the looks of it on the way here.

As we exit the sorts car, Sevrin looks at me sheepishly. "I know it's a bit of a culture shock given where Cara decided to have her guys put you once we found out about your existence, but you'll get used to it. We all had to, I guess."

This all just made me wonder who the Hell Cara was more. What does this girl have to do with me?

I was pulled out of my thoughts when Sevrin opened the door to the complex and said, "Ladies first," gesturing for me to enter before him.

"Thank you." I walk into the complex, dying the darkly colored interior. The walls were a dark grey and the floor was black tile. There were three Windows on the wall next to the door, all darkly tinted so that you could barely see through them, no matter what side you were on.  The other walls were barren, except for the back one that had the elevator and the doors for the stairs to go to the apartments on the floors above.

"We're in apartment 13B, it's the second of the two on the thirteenth floor," Sevrin explains as he passes me, heading to the elevator. " I don't wanna walk more stairs, please work, " I heard him plead under his breath as he waited for the elevator to show up, causing me to wonder if this fancy complex, obviously housing wealthy people, had patience issues.

"Thank Satan," he mumbles when the elevator doors open. We walk on and Sevrin hits the button for floor 13. We stand there in silence, not really sure what to say to each other. I mean I know he has restrictions on what he can talk about with out our brother Josh but, I don't and I have no clue what to say. You would think of know what to say to my newly found brother but, I've never had one before now so I'm at such a loss.

When the elevator stops at our floor, Sevrin walls out and I follow him over to 13B. He opens the door and basically screams, "We're here, you mother fucker!"

A deep, rough, disembodied voice yells back, "I will have you know that I never fucked a mom you asswipe!" I'm starting to think I know where I get my humor from.

"Watch the language you twat! Our little sisters here! What a cuntbag right baby sis?" Sevrin says, slinging his arm around my shoulders .

I then give him a look, and say, "How the ever loving fuck are you any better?" Causing Josh to laugh as he sounds the corner from the room that he was in. His tousled, light blond hair in a nice fade, very short on the sides and longish on top, with green eyes and snowy white skin . He's fairly tall unlike Sevrin, who's around 5 '8", Josh is around 6'2".

"You must be the new little sister Erick was telling us about," he reached out and hugs me tightly, "Hi I'm Josh, and this, the king of fuckery, here is Sevrin as you probably different by now." He released me and kinda circles around me, studying me.

"Yea that's what he said," I respond chuckling a bit, "I didn't knowing I should  trust it or not till now though."

He stops in front of me again. "Well, Scarlett, there's a lot for us to catch you up on but first I would like to actually welcome you home. New Orleans has been the Olsen family home for centuries and you are the first of us in generations to have been raised somewhere else."

"Thank you?"

"But, our family is also, how should I put this," he waves his hands around a little, " special, I guess would be the word. Our father is Steven Olsen, son of Richard Olsen, also known as the Horror of the French Quarter. The Olsen' s, the Carlisle's, and the Sloan's have been running this part of the city basically since its founding. Each family has its own set of, unique set of specialties, or really I guess speciality isn't really the right word for it after all. "

That's when Sevrin decided to speak up, "Josh, bro just spit it out! She's gonna  need to know eventually if we're gonna keep her safe from Car."

Josh nodded his blond head nervously, "Okay right. Scarlett, we're witches."

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