You can't Live Without Me

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The blade clanged to the ground and Anti rushed toward us. He rolled Mark over and looked at me, "Cover his mouth," he said. "I'll yank the knife out, but it'll have to be fast, Dark will be here any second."

I nodded my head and placed my hand over his mouth. Anti grabbed a hold of the knife and mark squeezed his eyes shut, preparing himself for the immense pain. Anti and I locked eyes and he yanked the knife out. Mark screamed against my hand and his tears hit the heal of my hand.

Anti stared at the crimson knife and back at me. I gaged and he cleaned the blade off with his shirt. "That cut could get infected," he said as he shoved the knife back in the lining of his pants and looked back up at me. "But I can't do anything about that until you're all are back in your cell. So for now just push on it with this." He ripped the bottom of his shirt off, balled it up, and handed it to me. 

I took the piece of cloth and said, "Thank you."

He gave a small smile. Then the heavy slam of the cell door rang through the house. Anti's head jerked toward the door and he cursed under his breath. He ran back to his position and grabbed the knives back out of his pant lining and we ducked. He purposely threw the knives low on the wall to make it look like an attempt.

His heavy boots came thumping down the house, getting closer to the door. Anti ran as fast as he could toward us and made a quick apology to Mark before painfully running his fingers over the cut. Anti grabbed me hard, leaving a bruise, I yelled and he smeared the blooded all over the bruise.

The door swung open and Dark came bursting through while Anti still had his hand on my arm and the blood on his fingers. Dark froze and he and Anti locked eyes. Fear ran through Anti's eyes and anger burned in Dark's.

Anti yanked his hands off me and opened his mouth to speak, but Dark was already marching towards him. He grabbed him by his throat and chucked him across the room. He slammed his head against the wall and sat on the ground. "Hey," I yelled at him. "Stop, he didn't anything wrong."

Dark whipped around and said, "I thought I told you not to say anything earlier. That's it, you've had too many warnings. It's my turn to have some fun." He walked over to the work table, yanked open a drawer, and said, "I don't like being old fashioned like my dear friend here, Anti." He yanked out a black pistol and stared at it gloriously with an ugly grin on his face.

"Dark," Anti pleaded. "Please don't do this. They did nothing."

He pointed the gun at him and said, "I gave you your chance to prove what you said last night, but you've failed me one too many times. If you can't deal with him, then I will myself."

"No, please Dark, I swear, not this time, I won't disrespect you again, I promise-"

"No," he interrupted. "I'm done with your bullshit." Before anyone could think Dark swung the gun and shot me in back of the arm. I screamed as what felt like hell and just settled itself in the hole in my arm.

"Dark," Anti's screamed, voice broke with desperation. He leaned over and attempted to get up, but to no avail.

"Enough with you," he said and stomped over to him. He grabbed him by the throat and picked him up and against the wall. He choked and gasped for air. Dark placed the barrel of the gun up against his temple.

"You won't," Anti taunted him. "You can't kill me. You need me, you know you do. You can't live without me."

Dark squeezed harder on his neck and said, "You're right, I can't kill you, but I can do worse." He turned his arm behind his back and shot me in the side. I lied on Mark and cried in pain.

He dropped Anti and said, "I'm not having enough fun." He turned around and walked up the stage. He pulled me into a painful head lock and put the gun up against my head. "You know I can kill this one though, Anti."

Anti crawled closer and begged with Dark. "Dark, please, don't do this. If you do this I will leave, so help me God."

"Awe, begging. How often do I get a little plead from the all powerful Antisepticeye. Do it again."

Anti shook his head, "No, not if it makes you happy."

Dark lifted the gun barely above my head and shot it. Anti, Mark, and I all screamed and Mark's hand came up and squeezed my hand. "I said do it again," he screamed at him.

Without hesitation Anti got on his knees, put his hands together, and layed his head against them. "Please," he spoke softly but with power. "Please Dark, don't kill Jack, I beg of you."

Dark smirked and threw the gun in the ground in front of Anti with a clang. "Alright, I won't, but I want to see you do your job."

He grabbed one of the knives off of the wall and walked over to him. "Here, we're not leaving until you hit him."

They looked at each other and Dark waved his hand toward me. Anti grabbed the tip of the blade and took his stance. A tear slipped out of his eye and and mouthed an apology at me and flung the knife.

I watched it spin toward me and then a sharp, jabbing pain grew my shoulder. My eyes widened and my breathing slowly grew faster as I locked eyes with Anti.

"Jack," he said and took a step toward me before being pulled back by Dark.

Dark look back at him and said, "You're not leaving this spot, I'll take care of it from here."

I began to get a headache, my face went numb, the room begun to spin and darkness enclosed around me and I felt myself hit the ground with a loud thud.

I opened my eyes and looked around the cell. Everyone was asleep with gauze rapped around them. "Good, you wake." I jumped and look over. Anti was crouched down next to me.

There was still a red mark around his neck. "What are you doing here," I whispered.

"Look, Dark's asleep and I just wanted to deeply apologize for what I did. He didn't give me a choice. I acted stupid and help you guys, I knew it was a bad idea when I did it, but I just couldn't bare hurting you. Seriously I I don't know if I can make it up to you ever."

"It's okay," I said. "I understand you didn't have a choice in the moment, and you already made it up when you helped  me with Mark. Plus you get bonus points since you knew how much shit you'd get in."

Anti smiled and gave me a hug. He surprised me and whispered a thank you in my ear. He kissed my ear, my face heated up and he stood up. "I better get out of here before the asshole wakes up."

"Yeah, but thank you for coming in to apologize." He nodded his head.

"But before I go, let me see your arm." I extended my arm and he took it gently in his thin cold fingers. He stared are the purple marks on my forearm. He sighed and dropped his head. He kissed the spots and said another apology. "I really don't know what to say about this."

I put my hand on his and said, "Hey, I told you it's fine."

He huffed and walked out of the room.

Rustling in the Dark (The reprise)(Jacksepticeye x Antisepticeye x Markiplier)Where stories live. Discover now